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(Prepare for a long chapter kiddos. Also I'm sorry in advance)

The ride to the hospital was silent. Every thing feel slowed down. I didn't know if I was supposed to say anything or what to say. Kats eyes were absent. I can't blame him though. Once we reached the hospital he was even more upset, I'm his eyes was a fear worse than when he was taken by the villains. "Katsuki, I'm sure they'll be okay." I rest a hand on his shoulder and although he doesn't move or reply I know he heard me. A few minutes pass before a lady ,who I presume is a nurse, comes in. The girl gives a sad smile and asks us our names. " I'm eijirou kirishima and this is katsuki bakugou."
"Of course please come with me." We're hesitant but slowly get up. Kat grabs my hand and we follow the nurse down the hall. The halls are plain and white. All the doors look the same and it's amazing people can find there way around. We come to a stop outside a room. The door was another plain white on with the number "209" painted neatly at eye level. "Your parents are inside when your ready sir." She smiles and turns to head back down the hall. "Ei, come in with me."
He whispers while gripping my hand tighter. "Ok." I reply. He waits a further minute before turning the doorknob and gently pushing the door open. The room is also plain like the hallway except it has a few machines and those weird hospital bed things. We both stood there in shock. The beeps of machines filled the silence that had fallen over the room. I feel Kats grip tighten again and he starts to sob. His parents lay on separate beds. His dad has more machines hooked up to him than his mum does. They both have heart monitors, breathing machines and those blood bag things(sorry I don't know what half the machines are called) but his dad had another machine, I don't know what it is or what it does but it was hooked up to him with a pipe. At least they both looked stable. Beside me Bakugou had fallen onto the floor in a violent flow of tears. I crouch down next to him and pull him into a hug. Eventually his crying calmed down "I'll call my mum to come get us. Okay?" He only nods and I help him onto a chair then excuse myself. I shut the door softly then dial my mums number.
(Bold is kiri Italic is his mum)
Hi mum
You sound upset, is everything alright?
No. Katsuki's parents were in an accident so were at the hospital. Has dad left because Kat needs somewhere to stay for the night.
Yeah baby, he left earlier. Do you want me to come get you?
Yes please
Ok I'll be there soon. I love you and tell Bakugou I love him too.
Ok I love you too momma,
-end of call-
I stand in the hallway for a second before re entering the room. Bakugou was still in the chair with quiet tears rolling down his face. "You can stay at mine tonight ok. Momma said she loves you and is coming to get us now."
"They'll be ok, right?"
His question shocked me. I didn't really know what to say. I can't say I promise they will because I don't know so instead I told him what he needs to hear right now,
"They're strong, they'll make it through this."
We sat in the room for about ten more minutes before I got a text from my mum saying she was outside. "You ready to go or do you want to stay a bit longer?" Again he doesn't reply but he stands up and begins to walk towards the door. I follow behind him and we walk back down the hall, past the reception and out to the front of the building where, surely enough, a familiar red Jeep is parked. I hold the door open for Bakugou and he climbs in then I head to the other side and get in. We don't say anything the whole ride. The city setting passes by outside. The streets filling with puddles and the lights starting to turn on. When did it start raining? Finally we pull up to my house. "Bakugou sweetie, Why don't you go hop in the shower ok? I'll get you a towel and I'm sure Ei has some clothes you borrow." Bakugou nods and we get out of the car and head inside. My mum gets Bakugou a towel and he goes to the bathroom. "Ei, pick out some movies and I'll make you boys dinner and hot chocolates. Bakugou doesn't seem to want to talk at the moment so just stay with him  and comfort him for tonight. Set the spare tv up in your room and ill make something for you to eat. Bakugou likes spicy things right? I'll make up a nice hot curry, how does that sound?"
"Thank you momma." Is all I can get out. "It'll be ok baby." She pulls me in for a hug then I presume goes to start making dinner. I plug in the tv and find a few movies, get changed then get a hoodie and some track pants for Kat. I head towards the bathroom and the shower is still running. I lightly knock on the door, "Hey Suki, I got you some clothes they're outside the door okay." From inside I hear a soft 'ok'. I set the clothes on the floor like I said and go to help my mum with dinner. "Can I help?" I ask and she tells me to chop up some potatoes. Down the hallway I hear the shower shut off and the door open then close again. "I'll be fine from her Ei," I nod and head for the hallway. A few minutes later Bakugou leaves the bathroom. "Mums making us some curry and I've picked out some movies okay?"
"Ok," I take his hand and we walk to my room. He picks a movie then climbs on my bed. As promised mum brings us dinner and hot chocolate. Around half and hour later she comes back to get our dishes "I'm going to sleep Ei. Goodnight boys, I love you." She gives us both a hug and then leaves. "Your mums nice." Bakugou mutters as he snuggles closer to me. Eventually he drifts off and I start to lose consciousness as well. "Goodnight Kat, I love you."

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now