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Alright quick note as usual first my darling readers, 1. This book will be coming to a close within the next ten chapters max due to me not wanting to make it to long and a general falling out of the mha fandom but I will see it through and give a (hopefully) satisfactory ending and 2. I'm trying my best to update so I really appreciate y'all being patient and not demanding new chapters it means a lot, so without further a do, let's go!!

Kiri's POV

After that, Kat got worse. He stopped showing up to school, he stopped leaving the house at all actually. He stopped eating. He stopped sleeping. He even stopped talking all that much. A few words here and there or a simple nod to answer questions. There wasn't going to be a funeral until his mom woke up, although we haven't heard about her state since the visit a few weeks ago. Everyone at UA was worried for him, loading me up with small gifts and kind messages for him. Midoriya agreed to take notes for him for when he's able to study again and the teachers agreed to put aside lesson notes for him too. Kat would barely do anything now, I can't blame him either. Mom is usually at home looking after him otherwise she'll let me take the day off to watch over him. It may only be a precaution but we don't want to leave him by himself incase something happens. We don't force him to talk, we just be there, watch over him and try convince him to do basic necessities like have a shower or have something small to eat. Occasionally I try distract him from his thoughts with a movie or just talking to him but I don't think it does much. He just sits there with a glazed over look in his eyes, thinking about everything that's happened.
"Hey, Katsu. Come on let's go for a little walk around the block, you need some fresh air." I give him a gentle smile and push some of his matted hair out of his face. His skin was paler than usual, his features more grey and sunken in and his lips were chapped. He simply nodded but made no effort to move.
"I'll get you some clean clothes okay?"
"K," was all I got out of him before he returned to his previous, empty state.

I return from the wash house with clean clothes, to no surprise he hasn't moved beside pulling a leg of the sofa instead of to his chest like it was before.
"Here you go babe, do you need any help?"
He shakes his head and walks towards the bathroom with the bundle of clothes. I contemplate following him, but I figure he'll be fine for five or so minutes. I clean the lounge up a bit while I wait. Straightening out the pillows and folding the blanket back up. I feel a soft thud against my back,
"You ready to go?" The blob using me as support nods and I take him by the hand and slowly lead him outside. The weather wasn't particularly good nor was it bad. It was cloudy out with little rays of sun poking thought. It was about 5 pm so there wasn't many people around. The walk wasn't long, only about a 20 minute stroll around the park then back home. Kat didn't say anything the whole time but at least he didn't look so lost in thought for once. Occasionally I saw his darkened eyes scan his surroundings, looking up at a tree or turning his head to the excited yells of some kids at the playground. He didn't let good my hand so it was nice to see he was finally opening up to contact again. After a while longer he let out a quiet
"I'm ready to go home now," and we left. We got home just as mom pulled in the driveway. She gave me and Kat a smile while holding the door open.
"I just got some take aways for dinner I hope that's okay. Oh yeah and Katsu buns the hospital called me today, your moms slowly waking up so we can see her in a few days if you'd like okay?"
"Really? Okay yeah we can do that." His voice was still monotone but I could tell he was slightly relieved by the news. I mean it must of relaxed him a little cause he even managed to eat a few things before we even had to convince him. Although immediately after he left silently to go back to the room.
"How was he doing today?" Momma asked as she watched the now empty doorway
"I think he's doing better, I mean he ate and he willingly went for a walk with me. He even spoke a little more today."
"I'm glad, hopefully seeing his mom awake will make him feel somewhat better." We both looked in the direction he went in for a bit as a chilling blanket of concern feel through the room.
"Yeah, I hope so too."

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now