i cant remember what chapter this is

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Kirishima sat on his bed shaking with fear and doubt. 'Why did I tell her? Is she going to be okay its a boy?' After telling his mum about finding his soulmate he went into panic mode the moment he woke up. Today is Friday. After school I'm bring bakugou home. Oh boy. He was snapped out of his thoughts when there was a knock on the door. "Hurry up we have 10 minutes shitty hair." Kiri sprung up and grabbed his bag. Opening his door he was met with a tired grumpy Blasty boy leaning against the wall half asleep. "Good morning!" Kiri smiled. "Morning." The other yawned whilst pressing the elevator button. Inside the elevator was kaminari and shinsou chatting away. Well mostly kami talking with shinsou occasionally nodding or saying a few things. "Oh morning guys!" Denki waved at his red haired friend and Blasty McSplode. "Hey," Shinsou waved as they stepped in.
Kirishima sat in today's final class hoping time would slow down only for it to zoom by like every other class. Don't get him wrong he wanted his parents to meet his soulmate and vice versa but boy was he scared. They don't know he's gay. What if he gets kicked out. Ringggggg. Fuck. That means class is over. Everyone began packing there thing and filing out of the room. Kiri slowly stood as bakugou made his way over to him. "You ready?" Kiri asked covering his fear with a smile. "Yeah. But are you?" The ash blonde asked momentarily shocking kiri "huh yeah! I'm great why wouldn't I be." He fakely smiled as they made there way outside. "You've been stressed all day. Don't lie to me. What's up?" Eijirous smile turned into a frown, of course bakugou would see right through him. "I'm just worried what they'll think." He muttered walking out the gate. "Don't be. I'm sure if they are anything like you are they'll be happy and by the rare chance they're not that's not your fault. We're in this together." Katsuki squeezed kiris hand reassuringly. "Thanks." He breathed out. The two continued walking in a peaceful silence hand in hand. Sure kirishima still had doubts but here they were outside his childhood home. The sound of keys rattled as the made there way to the door in Hus shakey hand. He looked at bakugou once more with a hesitant smile before pushing the door open. "Ei, is that you?" A female voice came from a room or two away. "Yeah mama it's me, and my soulmate." A gasp was heard before walking sounding louder with every step. Then they stopped. "Mama, this is Katsuki."

Kiribaku- how to fill an empty heart (soulmates AU)Where stories live. Discover now