The Fallen (1)

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Frisk found themselves yet again on flowers. She looked around a bit. She saw Chara and felt something strange. She got this feeling whenever she was looking at her.
-Wow, she's so beautiful. - She whispered to herself. She noticed Chara was smiling and waking up.
-Hey, Chara - Frisk greeted her nicely.
-Frisk? Where are we? What is this place? - Chara was confused.
-We're at the Ruins, Toriel lives here. - Frisk said happily.
-Toriel? - Chara faintly remembered this name.
-Let's get going! - Frisk said with a determined voice.

As they walked into the second room, she saw a yellow flower, that stood out of the ground.
-Howdy, I'm Flowey! I'm Flow- - Suddenly fear could be seen on his face.
-C-Chara, Is t-that really you? - He was stammering and had a cracked voice.
He even didin't let Chara finish the sentence, as he rushed into the ground.
-What? Who was that? - Chara said with confusion.
-Funny guy right? - Frisk chuckled.

Moments later Toriel came, she saw Chara and bursted into tears.
-Chara? Is that really you? - She was running towards her to give her a hug.
-Yes, Mom It's me. - She remembered now, Toriel was her mother before, before what? Chara seemed to hardly remember the past.
-My child! You're back! And I see you brought a friend too. - Toriel didin't care how Chara was back, she was happy she's here.
-Hello, I'm Frisk - Frisk introduced herself.
-Hi Frisk! I'm Ms Toriel - Chara's Mom said happily.
-Also, Frisk do you like cinnamon or butterscotch? - Asked her Toriel
-I'd prefer butterscotch - Frisk joyfully responded.

*Time Skip*

-This is your new home girls. - Toriel said happily.
-Wow! Its so nice and cozy in here. - Chara was delighted
-Agreed. - Agreed Frisk
The house was really beautiful, bright wooden planked floor, purple wallpaper.To the right there was a big living room with a large purple fotel, next to it there was a brown bookshelf with books like:
"Snails do not have tails, a scientific explanation", "History of Snails" and "The Exciting Life of Snails".
There was also a kitchen, it was quite small although it contained a single fridge, a dishwasher and a sink.
To the left there was a long corridor with rooms. There were paintings on the walls.

-Come with me and I'll show you both your new room. - Said Toriel
Toriel took the hands of girls and walked them to their room.
The room was covered in blue wallpaper, red carpet, a table and one bed.
-I'm sorry but there isn't a second bed so you'll have to sleep together. - told them Goat Mom.
Mom ran out of the room when a smell of something burning filled the whole house.
The girls were tired, Frisk and Chara SPAREd every monster they found.  (Chara was a bit reluctant).
-Chara, if you feel sleepy we can go to sleep. - Said Frisk.
Chara noticed she was blushing, Frisk was also blushing too.
-Yeah, I think we should go to sleep I'm tired. - Chara was sleepy.
-Ok, let's go to sleep then.
Not so long after that girls found themselves warm and cozy under the blanket.
-Chara? - Asked Frisk.
-What is it? - Chara was half-asleep
-Can I cuddle to you? - Frisk asked blushing a bit.
- Yea, sure you can. - Chara was blushing hard.
-Really? Thanks Chara. - Frisk replied and cuddled up to Chara.
Chara felt something weird, She rarely experienced it before.
-Good Night Chara - Frisk, she was happy being cuddled to Chara.
-Good Night Frisk - Chara blushed and almost exploded of happiness.

*The next day*

Chara woke up first, noticing that she was cuddled to Frisk. She was enjoying it really much. She looked around. Except the ceiling and two plates of butterscotch pie there wasn't anything interesting.
She tried to wake up Frisk.
-Frisk, wake up. - Chara said in a calm and caring tone.
Frisk smiled.
-15 more minutes please! Frisk cuddled up harder to Chara which made her blush uncontrollably.
-Frisk please. - Chara tried again and this time it worked.
-Ok, fine Chara. - She was quite annoyed that she had to stop cuddling,  but she tried to hide it.
Girls got up, they were well rested and ready for an adventure! They ate the butterscotch pie, it was delicious.

-The pie is delicious isn't it Chara?  - Frisk initiated the conversation.
-It is! Confirmed Chara who was just finishing the last piece.
Girls finally decided to walk out of the room.
-Ah, I see you two are well rested. - Said Toriel joyfully.
-Yes mom. - They both confirmed.
-Wait here, I'm going to destroy the exit from the Ruins. It's for your own good girls, don't try to stop me. - Toriel was serious.
Toriel headed downstairs to the exit, the girls followed her.
The basement was made of purple blocks, it was just a straight corridor with a few turns.
As they arrived to the exit Frisk tried to stop Toriel.
-Mom, please, don't destroy the exit. - Toriel ignored it and turned around to both Chara and Frisk.
-Prove me that you are strong enough to survive out there then! - Said Toriel with a firm tone.
The battle sequence started
Frisk and Chara both selected MERCY.
Toriel sent magical fireballs, Frisk dodged them all while Chara got hit by one her HP was now 18/20.
After a few attacks, Chara got a hold of it and dodged everything in almost perfect sync with Frisk.
On the other hand Toriel was getting weaker and weaker mentally. It got to the point where her attacks dodged the Girls.
-I know we don't have much. - Toriel started.
-But I swear I'll take good care of you two here. - Toriel was on the verge of mental collapse.
-Pathetic isn't it? I can't stop 2 children.
Chara and Frisk had felt bad for Toriel, she hugged her on goodbye, although she asked them not to come back.
-It was fun! - Chara still felt the excitement of the battle.
-Sure it was! - Frisk was calming down.
The girls approached the exit of the Ruins. They whispered to eachother:
-Frisk, this is it. Chara was nervous. What lied ahead of them?
-It's ok Chara, don't worry! It's gonna be fine! - Comforted her Frisk.
-Thanks Frisk. - Chara was happy.
Both Chara and Frisk blushed.
-C'mon Chara, let's go! -  Frisk pointed at the exit.
-Right behind you. - Assured her Chara with a bit more confident voice.
Both girls felt happy.

Author Note

Hey guys, It's my first fanfiction and I'm still new to writing this.
What did I do wrong? What right?
Hope ya guys enjoyed reading it!

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