Control (10)

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-Chara, what got into you? - Frisk shouted.
-Into me? Just realization I'm useless to you since this is a path you didn't play yet. Eventually, you're gonna get bored and again, the genocide will be done. - Chara calmly told her.
-How... You're not useless to me Chara, I love you and I really can't live without you... - Frisk fought back.
-Really? It's gonna be just like the promise you made to Sans? - Charas eye was glowing bright red.
-Humans, calm down please. - Papyrus intervened.
-Get out of here before I'll turn you to dust.
Papyrus ran off, scared. It was unusual for him to ran off like that.
*The battle sequence started*
-I don't feel anything to you Frisk. - Chara loudly exclaimed.
Frisk wasn't moving, tears ran down her face. Her soul was grey.
-C-Chara, I love you! I can't live without you. - Frisk ran to her hugging Chara.
She got pushed back, her lovers soul was dark purple.
-What's that? You're not Chara. - Frisk was sure of it.
-Hey, Frisk. Wouldn't you mind doing me a favor? - Chara asked.
-You are certainly not Chara. Get out of her! - Frisk screamed.
-DIE - Chara shouted very loud.
She hitted Frisk for 99999 damage. It almost cut her in half.
Blood was tearing from Frisk mouth, she was bleeding from the cut aswell.
Herb P.O.V
-We're done here, leave her alone. One determination soul off. Now, let's kill her!
Narrator P.O.V
Chara got hit by something, she seemed to wake up standing. It was weird, suddenly she saw Frisk or should I say, a lifeless body with blood on it.
She ran to her as fast as she could.
-FRISK? HOW ARE YOU, WHO DID T- - Chara saw her LV, it was saying: 17.
She didn't kill anyone, it was a mystery for her. Until it hit her. Did I just kill her? - Chara was crying out of control.
-So, hey Chara. - Sans appeared out of nowhere again.
-I... I... I... I... - Chara struggled to make a longer sentence.
-Are you proud of yourself? - Sans asked, his right eyesockets filled with magic.
-It wasn't me! Something took control... - Chara tried to explain.
-What do you think took the control of you? Don't lie, you don't have feelings for anyone. - Sans was angry.
-Earlier, when I "blacked out", I was in some kind of laboratory. I talked to a guy named Herb, he had a dark purple soul.
-Wait... How is he alive? I killed him so long ago... - Sans was scared.
-What do you mean? - Chara was intrigued.
-Herb, the soul of VIOLENCE. - Sans darkened his voice.
-What!? I didn't hear anything about this trait before.
-I'm not surprised It's the hidden eight trait that is born every 10,000 years. They're able to control others indirectly, by planting doubt in their mind, teaching them that violence is the only way. - Sans calmed down and explained.
-Then, since someone defeated them, how did he come back? - Chara asked.
-I don't know, but we're dead without Frisk. - Sans frightened Chara.
-It wasn't your fault thought. Sorry to judge this fast. - Sans apologized.
-We have to work together to bring Frisk back. - Chara responded.
-I believe, there must be some kind of way to bring her back and considering he's got her soul. He'll surely against us.
-Where would they appear? - Chara smiled.
-I'd say that they'll probably appear in the Alphys lab. - Sans continued.
-Well, are you good to fight? - Chara asked.
-I'm pretty sure that yeah. Are YOU? - Sans went on.
-I'm determined, if I could make the same trick again, he'll be dead. Well, since I'm LV 17 it won't make such a change right? - Chara was curious.
-What trick? - Sans was a bit confused.
-I see, that Sans, it really wasn't you. - Chara confused Sans even more.
-What the hell are you talking about megalo? - Sans laughed hiding his confusion.
-So you're into nicknames comedian? - Chara laughed too.
-I think we should go to the Alphys lab.
-Let's go! - Chara smile and right eye was glowing red.
Sans teleported Chara and himself to the laboratory.
They both looked around. Not a single living being.
-I see, you know where I lived for the past few days. - Herb appeared out of nowhere.
Chara grinned.
-Give back Frisk or I'll show you what real pain feels like. - Her whole face was black, with red lines as eyes. They were glowing.
-Ah, I see Sans is here aswell. Hey old pal, as for you Chara I made a special threat. - Herb smiled.

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