L.O.V.E. (5)

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-H-Hey Sans, what happened to you?- Frisk was stammering.
-Nothing, I'm great, because... I'll kill both of you! - Sans laughed, he launched an undodgable attack.
Girls HP went down drastically, 10/20.
They both were bleeding, pain was there aswell.
Chara's HP went up, as she felt the power of DETERMINATION.
Charas HP: 20/20
Sans eyesockets went black. He had a plan to stop this once and for all. He killed for that plan to work.
The small skeleton gathered the bones and sent them towards Chara.
Her eye was glowing, she dodged them with ease and striked Sans. She missed, but Sans got scared.
-Give up kid or I'll kill Frisk! - Sans grinned, his left eyesocket filled with blue magic.
-What makes you think I'll let you do that? - Chara smiled again.
-Chara, we have to escape! - Frisk was frightened by this whole situation. She didn't want to lose her lover.
-I'll kill this murderer! - Chara screamed at the top of her lungs.
She attacked Sans, she didn't cate about the consequences, Sans was a threat to Frisk.
Sans was getting tired, even though he had the additional power, a battle against a determined person was very tiring.
Sans aimed the Gaster Blasters at Frisk, she didn't have time to react, it hit her hardly, draining the HP, she couldn't breath as she fell to the ground, all in blood.
-FRISK! - Chara gave up on battling and ran to her.
-Frisk, no! Please no! - Chara was crying, she didn't feel the soul of her love.
She could only sit and watch as the soul is breaking into a billion pieces.
-Frisk... I'm so sorry... I... I can't... - Chara tried to make a longer sentence but she couldn't.
Behind her stood Sans, he didn't feel regret.
Suddenly, the soul of Frisk reconnected.
-C-Chara, stay d-determined, d-determination is u-unlimited, you c-could become a god with it.
Mere seconds after, Frisk soul broke and shattered.
The whole world went silent. Chara turned around and stood.
-Sans, let me promise something to you. I'll kill you!- Chara grinned, she had to avenge Frisk.
She'll make it in a rather old style.
She started feeling odd.
Something weird was happening, the SAVE and LOAD box opened. In the upper right corner was LV. It said:
LV 1
Chara felt something tickling in her chest. A sensation she couldn't describe.
Sans stood silently waiting for the attack.
Chara smiled.
-LOVE too is an acronym, it stands for "Level of Violence" a way of measuring someones capacity to hurt.
I'll promised you something Sans, and I'll get it done! - Charas LV skyrocketed, she was now LV 20.
She summoned a knife with a red blade.
-Sans eyesockets went dark. What on Earth did just happen?
Chara drew red lines in the air and sent them to Sans, he teleported above her and summoned two Gaster Blasters, he fired them towards Chara. She summoned a RED shield.
She teleported behind Sans and finally struck him,
Goodbye Sans, burn in hell, you truly deserve to.
The skeleton turned into the white dust.
Chara was looking at her hands. She cried, she calmed her down, assuring herself that they'll meet when she decides to RESET. She summoned the box. She couldn't wait to see Frisk again.


Hey guys, I surprised you, didn't I? I can only write now, so there ya have it.
I used some of the motives of:
Both of them are my favorite Aus, check them out!
Edit: Woah, 100 reads?! Thank you! I didn't expect it. Love ya guys all!

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