Pacifist [2] (8)

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Pacifist Part Two

Flowey summoned 8 white bullets and send them towards the couple.
They tried to dodge but failed because of the projectiles speed.
Charas HP: 16/20 Frisk HP: 14/20
They were both coughing and clearing themselves of blood.
-You took it too FAR! - Chara shouted
-Well, only one of you has to die and let me absorb their soul before I'll be the most determined "thing" in this world line. - Flowey was calm.
Frisk felt a rush of DETERMINATION, she couldn't let Flowey destroy this world. She can't allow it.
Frisk soul was shining bright red, she experienced the rush of adrenaline.
She standed in place, letting everything hit her. Her HP was dramatically draining.
Frisk HP: 1/20
-FRISK, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING? DODGE THE BULLETS. - Chara screamed at her. Rushing towards her and trying to protect her from this plant.
She only downed her HP, taking everything to herself. Not letting even a single bullet touch Frisk.
Charas HP: 1/20.
She collapsed, as she felt a warm liquid leaking from her mouth. It was blood.
-I hoped for at least a fight but considering that you two are horribly weak I shouldn't count on it. - Flowey giggled in a maniacal laughter.
Chara felt a loss of DETERMINATION followed by Flowey laugh.
The evil plant summoned two pellets and send them towards Chara and Frisk.
It hit them.
Charas HP: 0/20 Frisk HP: 0/20
Chara felt dizziness, her vision was getting more blurry every second she was just laying on the ground of the Ruins.
Frisk was almost dead. Her soul cracked ripping in two. Streams of thought was flooding throught her mind. Was she really gonna let it end now? Like this? Laying in the Ruins, knocked dead by some sort of weed?
No... She won't let this happen. Chara was counting on her, they have a goal and she wouldn't let anyone destroy it!
THIS DOESN'T END NOW! Frisk thought and felt her soul coming back to normal.
Frisks soul reconnected and send a blinding red light.
-O-O-O-Oh no... - Flowey frightened.
*Flowey ran away* (again)
Chara! Please don't. I BEG YOU! - Frisk struggled to make a longer sentence.
Charas soul broke into two pieces. It shaked madly.
Charas P.O.V
-Where am I?
I woke up in some kind of "void". It was black literally every where.
-FRISK? Anyone? Please...
I was very scared, still it was unusual for me to frighten like that but the thought of losing Frisk for the second time gave me chills.
I looked around.


-W-What? How? -
I didn't want to realize that this sign may be right. Flowey won, Frisk's dead and...
*Erasing progress*
I saw "screens" that showed my memories, that showed everything I've done in this timeline. It was all gonna be erased wasn't it?
-Wait... Frisk?
I saw Frisk holding my body, tears running down her face. It made me absolutely terrified.
-So... Frisk won? Somehow?
Tears ran down my face. Why did I give up? Why?
-I... I... I... I can't give up... I can't let Frisk be alone, after all that we came through together?
The first time I met her... I was her guide throught everything... I showed her that when you die, you can come back. -
I felt tears running down my face more intensively.
I can't give up now. I can't...
I felt my soul returning to It's normal state. It was connected again.
Narrator P.O.V
Charas soul reconnected just like Frisks.
It send a blind red light towards every direction. Chara was alive again, thanks to her pure DETERMINATION she didn't give up.
-C-Chara? - Frisk gasped, as she lost her breath.
-Yup, I won't leave ya alone for a day. - Chara laughed.
Girls ran to each other hugging tightly
-I love you Chara - Frisk said in tears.
-I love you too... - Chara cried now.
They exited the Ruins, Snowdin awaited them.
??? P.O.V
-Ah... I see Flowey failed, they're determined but there is a solution to this... - I said loudly to the screen.
-Mr? We have done extracting the HATE from our patient. What should we do with him? - My assistant asked.
-Drain their soul to zero. - My maniacal laugh seemed to scare my loyal helper.
-Ok, so what should we do with the HATE exactly?
-Bring it to me. I'll tell you later. - Again I started laughing like a maniac. Which I fully was.

A/N Note
Hey everyone! I... I really don't know what to say... Over 300 reads!? I should do a special marathon of writing! Let me know what you think of that.
Thanks soooo much for 300 reads guys! I really can't express my joy in words now...
I'm also writing this to say that you can message me on any kind of topic you want. I'm sorry but I forgot to say that earlier. Anyway, thanks you so much again. BYEEE, LOVE YA GUYS!

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