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The girls were walking through the forest as usual. They weren't scared of Sans now, not after all of this...
The small skeleton noticed the couple from behind the trees. He decided to say "hi".
The twain approached the wide wooden bars, they both giggled on the thought of Papyrus.
Suddenly, they heard a loud cramping in snow. They turned around to him.
-Hey kiddos! - Sans greeted himself as usual.
-Hey Sans... Do you remember everything? - Frisk asked.
-Yeah, I do. I remember everything you two had done. - Sans honestly told them.
-You know everything, no need to introduce anyone to you, am I right? - Smaller skeleton somehow knew every single thing they've done.
-Come with me, play along with my brother as usual. - Sans asked them.
-Okay... I guess - Frisk nodded.
The three walked through the snow, meeting the Great Papyrus.
-Wowie! Sans, this is a very stylish rock! - Papyrus laughed.
-Hey! What's that in front of the rock? - Sans giggled even thought he heard this phrase over 950 times.
-Wowieee! Sans, It's the second rock! - Papyrus laughed again.
-What's in front of that rock then? - Sans giggled even more.
-WOW, are they humans? - Papyrus asked with hope.
-yes - Sans answered.
-Nyehehe, expect puzzles, spaghettis and lots of fun! Because I the Great Papyrus will capture you! - Taller skeleton grinned and made a "profile" pose.
Frisk and Chara exchanged glances and both laughed.
Chara felt something weird in their soul, she couldn't describe exactly what that was.
-Chara, is everything okay? - Frisk asked her worried.
-I'm fine, It's just that... I don't feel so good. - Chara fell.
-SANS! - Frisk cried for help.
-What's up kid? Oh. - Sans was suprised.
They both took Chara to Sans and Papyrus home. She was laid on the couch in the living room. The house itself was a normal 2 storey high wooden block.
Charas P.O.V
-Where am I? - I was scared. (again)
-Hello Chara. - A mysterious figure appeared.
-Who are YOU? - I screamed.
-My name is Herb. - He introduced himself to me.
He wore a dark purple cape, his shirt was all grey. He had hair all in purple, almost shining and his eyes were dark purple as well.
-Wait, why did you bring me to this place? - I was very confused.
-Oh, that's just to introduce myself. - He laughed.
-But, why would I need to know you exist? - I was starting to get angry.
-Because I may be important to you. - He smiled.
-I... I don't understand. - I honestly told him.
-You understand how to jump through timelines, come back and posess unlimited power, but you don't understand friendly introduction? - His laughter was heard again.
I stopped dead in tracks. How did he know? He has to be determined in some way, can this be the third DETERMINATION soul?
-What is soul trait? - I asked.
His soul was dark purple, I never saw that one before.
-It's unimportant now, you should care about Frisk more you know? - He shrugged it off.
-What do you mean? - I asked.
We instantly got transported into the skelebros house.
I saw Frisk sleeping on my body, her face was wet from tears. Papyrus was cooking spaghetti humming and Sans was nowhere to be seen.
-Why are you showing me this? - I asked him again.
-Well, Frisk really doesn't like that you put so much stress on her. She drifts away from you, I see it. - Herb scared me. 
-That's not true you IDIOT. - I was sure that she loved me.
-See yourself, you'll understand. She doesn't want you, all you've done to her... - He started.
-She forgave me... I think so. - He planted doubt in my mind, do I really deserve her?
-You're a cold blooded murderer, you deserve no one. - Herb had a vicious voice.
Suddenly his soul started to glow. He grinned.
I stood there in silence, I was in pain on the thought of everything he said to me.
I was loosing DETERMINATION, my soul started to lose red.
-See you very, very soon Chara. It was a great pleasure to meet you. - He dissapeared.
I woke up on the couch, where they left me.
Narrator P.O.V
-Chara? You woke up! - Frisk ran to the girl and hugged her tightly.
-Yeah, leave me alone for a second will you? - Chara asked.
-But, I missed you so much Chara. - Frisk started crying into the green sweater of hers.
Are you brain dead? LEAVE ME ALONE! - Chara screamed at Frisk, pushing her back.
Frisk ran off crying even more.
-What's happening kiddos? I see you have a drama of yours. - Sans appeared out of nowhere seemingly.
-Fuck off comedian, that's none of your goddamn business. - Chara shouted again, this time on Sans.
-Wow, you could be more nice since we're on good terms, don't you remember? - Sans dissapeared again.
Chara started to walk to the kitchen, she opened the drawer and took out the knife. She started to walk into the room of Papyrus.

Hey guys! Sorry for the occasional swearing. It really represents the mood of the characters. Second all:
Thank you! You, that's right, the very you that's reading this now. I wanted to thank you that you read this chapter. It means the world for me that I found someone who actually reads it. We are getting someone everyday and I'm stunned by that. I thought that I may to something like this because every single one of the authors I read refers to his readers as "guys". I want to abandon that, I think that you can't put so many different people into "guys" category.
I want to thank you again for reading this. Have a nice day!

Falling for a Murderer (Charisk) (VTale Season 1 & 2)   Where stories live. Discover now