Subaru's training

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On the way back to the mansion Kajah had stopped near the small town
Kajah: hey I passed by here more once on the way to get Rez but, I never stopped by. Can you tell me what little town this is?
Emilia: oh this is the nearby village called Irlam. It's small but everyone here is very happy and kind. Even the kids here are very well behaved.
Kajah: really? Well then I might go a head and come here with my kids then. I think it will be nice for them to meet other little kids their age.
Subaru: oh yah you're absolutely right. It would be interesting to see how they act with others.
Emilia: yes I agree. I would love to see all of them playing with new friends they will make.
Subaru: I think we should pay the village a visit. I haven't seen them in a while.
Rem: has been a while.
Kajah: well let's see them after your training Subaru.
Subaru: r-right.
Kajah continues on to the mansion and sees Ram with the kids playing.
Subaru: Huh? Ram and the kids? Playing in the flowers I see.
Emilia: they seem to be having fun.
Ram sees Subaru and the others returning from their trip.
Ram: oh look kids they came back.
All the kids looked over to see everyone return. Emma is resting with Ram and has no idea.
Kajah: Hey kids how was everyone
Toru: KAJAH!
Mei: Nya~We misses you!
Kiskue: where did you go exactly??
Rez: yah what gives not telling us huh?
Zephyr: yah what gives?
Kajah: ehhh you all where asleep so I didn't want to bother you guys.
Kajah and the other gets off Crimson and Kajah dismisses him.
Kajah: I see you guys were having fun to.
Ram walks over to Subaru and the others holding Emma.
Ram: everyone was fine while you where gone. Emma here fell asleep not to long ago actually.
Ram: notices a stuffed animal in Rems hand.
Ram: Huh? What's that Rem?
Rem: oh this belongs to Emma.
Ram: I see. Did you get that for her?
Rem: no It's hers. She forgot it at Kajah's grandmothers house.
Ram: oh I see. Well I can wake her and let her know.
Kajah: No no that's ok. Let her rest. I'm sure she must have done a lot today.
Ram: well if you say so.
After everyone went back inside the mansion. All the kids went with Emilia,Ram and Rem. Emma still a little groggy is with Emilia on her lap. Meanwhile Kajah and Subaru are out side in the back.
Kajah: so you ready for your first part of training Subaru?
Subaru: mhm
Kajah: Alright then watch carefully Subaru and, look at my left arm.
Subaru draws his attention to Kajah's left arm as told.
Kajah: this is the version of Yin armor you can do right now.
Kajah focuses a small amount of yin energy over his left arm creating a black like aura around it.
Subaru: I-I can see it. (His left arm is covered in the yin...incredible.)
Kajah: Subaru.
Subaru: y..yes?
Kajah tosses his regular sword to Subaru.
Kajah: go ahead and try to cut off my left arm with that.
Subaru: wait what?! Are...are you serious?!
Kajah:*in a serous tone and look* do it.
Subaru: *ngh*o-ok
Kajah holds out his arm and Subaru takes the sword lining up his attack at Kajah's arm. He swings it with all his might. However the sword only bounced off Kajah's arm.
Subaru:AH! (wh-what?)
Subaru: shocked and surprised dropped the sword do to the impact and intense vibrations.
Subaru: hand...the vibrations.
Kajah: see this is what you can do now. Though keep in mind it will only work if the impact is less than the Aura armor. If the impact is greater you will take the hit but at lower the damage. Though if it's too great it will totally ingnore your yin aura and you will take the full impact of the hit.
Subaru: mhm
Kajah: this is very important as you must not always rely on this version of the yin Armor.
Subaru: I understand sensei.
Kajah: Eh? Sensei?
Subaru: mhm
Kajah: heh well if you want to call me that while training. Now then try to focus as much as you can on creating aura like that using your Yin.
We will be doing this for quite a bit.
Subaru: I understand.
While Kajah trains Subaru Emilia, Ram and Rem decided to take the kids to IrIam village to meet everyone there.
Emilia: now I'm sure you all will be on your best behavior. That means you Rez.
Rez: WHAT!?
Ram looks at Rez with a glare.
Rez: Errr I mean y-yes mam..(dang it I can't do anything with her around.)
Rem: oh we are almost there.
Ram: I'm sure you all will enjoy the residence here.
Kiskue: I'm sure we will. The town looked peaceful on our way here so I'm sure the residence are lovely.
Emma holding Rems hand smiling with the stuffed animal.
Rem: (she sure was excited when I gave her that stuffed animal, it was actually cute to see her waking up smiling to it and hugging it.)
Rem: that is very important to you huh Emma.
Emma nods very happily at Rem and holds Rems hand closely.
Emilia: while we still have sun let's say hello to everyone k? Emilia smiles at all the kids as they begin to go into the village.
Rez: again Zephyr why must you yell?
Zephyr: s-sorry..
Rez: u did that on purpose didn't you Mei.
Mei: teehee. Maaaybeee
Rez:*mutters some words under his breath*
Ram: what was that Rez?
Rez: eh? But it wasn't towards you!
Ram: and?
Rez: n-nothing...sorry.
Rem: did something happen with you and Rez?
Rez begins to get nervous.
Ram: oh no nothing not at all right Rez?
Rez: y-yah.
Ram: as a matter of fact tomorrow Rez here will be helping us with chores. Right Rez?
Rez turns and puts on a fake smile.
Rez: y-yah...of course heh..heheh...
Rem: oh? That's good to hear. I will be showing you how to clean probably and where all the cleaning supplies are tomorrow ok Rez.
Rez: s-sure... I can't wait... heheh..heh(GAHHHHH WHY MEEEE!!!!)
Meanwhile with Subaru and Kajah
Subaru begins to get weaker and tiered from the constant use of his mana.
Subaru: *panting* lot harder...than I thought...
Kajah: oh it is my friend. However you can do it. With my help I can get you to that level in no time heheh. Then you will be able to create your yin weapon.
Subaru: what.
Subaru falls on his back from exhaustion.
Subaru: yin can become weapons to?!
Kajah sits next to him.
Kajah: yep. It's all in your mind though. Well I'm not sure if you can create a weapon out of the pure Yin energy and have it become its own object separate from the aura but, you might be able to utilize the aura as a weapon like an extension.
Subaru: Huh?
Kajah: like you focus more mana and energy on a weapon than armor and manipulate the aura into a weapon like aura instead of armor. You get me?
Subaru: yah...I think I get you.
Kajah: well let's take a small break. I'm sure you will pass out from over using this ability. We will continue tonight.
Subaru: wha?? Tonight?!
Kajah: oh yes if you're serious about this Subaru then I must treat you the same way I was when I was learning.
Subaru: uhhhhh
Kajah: oh don't worry I won't be that hard on you hahahah
Subaru: th-thanks...(that's really not reassuring.)
[Back to Emilia and the others in the village.]
Emilia is talking to the villagers while Rem and Ram are looking after the kids.
Zephyr: hi my name is Zephyr what are your names?
The village children reply.
Petra: hi Zephyr I'm Petra nice to meet you all.
Lucas: names Lucas glad to meet all of you.
Mildo: names Mildo hello.
Meina: My mane is Meina I hope we will be great friends!
Dyne: names Dyne hows It going?
Chain: Im Chain great to meet you.
Zephyr: heheh I can't wait to play with our new friends.
Toru: h...hello...I...I'm T...Toru...glad to meet you all..
Mei: NYA~ I'm Mei teehee
Rez: the names Rez that's all.
Kiskue: my name is Kiskue. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sure we will be great friends.
Petra sees Emma with Rem and goes over to her to ask her her name.
Petra: hello what's your name?
Emma looking nervous holds Rem's hand tightly.
Rem: it's ok Emma she's not dangerous.
Petra looking confused asks Rem
Petra: is she ok?
Rem: oh she's ok. Her name is Emma. She can't really talk though I'm sorry.
Petra: oh? Did something bad happened.
Rem: oh that's...well you see she's was born like this so it's not easy for her to really explain.
Petra: ooh...I hope you get better soon ok Emma teehee.
Petra pats Emma on the head and goes back with the other kids.
Emma still holding on to Rem starts to rub her eyes cause she's getting a little tired.
Rem: oh you must be getting sleepy  huh.
Rem picks up Emma and holds her.
Rem: I got you don't worry.
Ram: (Rem...)
Time goes bye and the sun begins to set. Emilia rounds up the kids with Rem and Ram and the group says their goodbyes before heading back home.
Emilia: have a good one everyone good night.
All the kids with Emilia: GOOD NIGHT!!!!
Emilia and her group start heading back home. Emma is still asleep in Rems arms.
Emilia: she really is cute isn't she.
Rem: hm? Oh Emma? Yes she is. She's also very nervous around new people even people her age.
Emilia: really? I had no idea
Ram: I'm sure she will break out if her shell eventually.
Rem: mhm I know she will.
Emilia: you kids behaved very well today I'm proud.
Rez: yah well it's nothing heh..
Toru: of course we would heheh.
Zephyr: yah they where really fun to play with. I wanted to play more.
Mei: Nya~ they kept petting me..
Kiskue: it's cause of that face you make when you get petted. Specially behind your little cat ears.
Mei: w-well it does feel nice.
Kiskue: but yes they where a nice group of kids to play with.
Emilia: I'm glad all of you had a great time.
As they get back to the mansion they see Kajah and Subaru outside in the front.
Emilia: Huh? Subaru? Kajah?
Subaru: Huh? Oh! HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!
Kajah: oh well looks like everyone is back. Good thing cause the sun is going down and it's starting to get dark.
Everyone goes inside and gets ready for the next day. Though tonight all the kids decided sleep with Emma and Kajah tonight.
Kajah: Huh? What brings you all here?
Mei:We couldn't sleep.
Kajah: I see...well come here everyone. All the kids went into bed with Kajah and request his story.
Kajah: Wait seriously?
Zephyr: yah yah yah! Kajah's story heheh
Kiskue: miss it.
Toru: please Kajah?
Mei:Nya~ pretty please?
Kajah:*sigh* Alright get comfortable everyone.
They all finds a spot on Kajah's bed and get ready for his story.
Kajah: Alright once upon a time there was a baby monster. The monster had lost his family at a very young age. It wandered and meet lots of people. However everywhere the monster went people got scared because they thought the monster was bad.
Toru: was it?
Kajah:  Nope. The little monster was actually good and had a big warm heart.
Rem was about to knock to ask Kajah about Subaru's training but instead listened to Kajah's story through the door.
Kajah: the monster traveled around the world trying to find his last relatives but could not. However along his trip the monster came across a young adventurer. The adventurer asked the monster "hello there are you lost?" The monster replied "no I'm just looking for my last family member" The adventurer says "oh? Then allow me to join you" the monster was shocked as the adventurer was not afraid of him. The monster says "your not afraid of me?" The adventurer replies. "Of course not, you seem nice and you need help finding your family." they travel and along the way they find a young women. She looked lost so the monster asked her "are you ok?"
At first the young women was startled but then realized the monster was not trying to hurt her so the woman said "im looking for my child have you seen her?"
The monster replies "no but me and my friend here will look for her." The women showed the monster great gratitude and joined them in the search for her daughter. The group came across some guards posted by the bridge and asked the man and women "what are they doing with that monster?". The adventurer and the women where both looked at each other and smiled. The women said "this isn't a monster this is our child." The guard says "that can't be." Then the adventurer said "this is our child and we are a family. Now we have to find our daughter she's been missing." The monster was touched and began to smile after what the two had said. Then the monster herd a little girl crying under the bridge. The monster went to the sound of the crying girl as no one else could hear her. Then in a small hole the monster found the little girl alone and scared. The monster held out its arm and the little girl grabbed it allowing the monster to pull her out. The monster held the little girl gently and she fell asleep in his arms as he was going back to the women and the adventurer. The women saw the child in his arms was indeed her missing daughter. The guards where amazed and apologized to the new family and let them pass the bridge. The monster forgot all about looking for his own relative as the little monster was happy with his new family. The four lived in a beautiful new house together and lived the rest of their life in happiness.
By the end of the story all the kids where already asleep.
Kajah: *sigh* they fall asleep all the time half way through heehee. Well I'm glad they are all asleep now.
Kajah herd the door creek a little bit.
Kajah: Huh? You can come in who ever is out there. Rem comes in quietly.
Rem: sorry..I'll go.
Kajah: Wait hold on Rem.
Rem: hm?
Kajah: you have been acting strange lately. Is everything ok?
Rem: ye-yes everything is ok.
Kajah: are you sure???
Rem with a smile
Rem: yes I'm sure. Thank you
Kajah: hmm well ok. Oh I'm guessing you heard my little story to huh.
Rem: yes.
Kajah:It's a story I made up a while ago. Guess it works for the little ones very well heh.
Rem: yes it would seem so. that story related to you somehow?
Kajah:..y-yah...a little bit...but don't worry ok.
Rem: I understand.
Kajah: they like you a lot you know.
Rem: Huh?
Kajah: well they like everyone in here honestly but they are starting to look up to you. I think it's cute.
Kajah: look Rem.. your letting something second guess your mind. Don't let that consume you ok? If you need help please tell me. Your not alone here ok?
Rem: K-Kajah...o-ok
Kajah: great well guess I better fall asleep. There's a busy day for Subaru tomorrow. I was suppose to go with him tonight but he's still recovering and well I'm tied up heheh.
Rem: *smiles* I can see.
Kajah: well. Good night Rem.
Rem: good night...and uhh Kajah...
Kajah: yah?
Rem: I enjoyed your story. I think it was very sweet.
Kajah smiles in embarrassment a little.
Kajah: heheheh thanks
Rem: mhm

                 To be continued

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