Just Another Day

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[Back at the mansion]
Rem: so...you really feel ok?
Kajah: yes I don't feel any kind of pain...weird but I'm not complaining.
Emilia: that's good news then Kajah. Maybe your body is taking care of this curse on its own?
Kajah: maybe.? I mean it seems like it I guess.
Rem: (I wonder. Why wouldn't Alex want him to know about what he did for him.)
Beatrice: Kajah can I talk to you for a second?
Kajah: Huh? Sure?
Beatrice: in private.
Kajah and Beatrice leave the room.
Kajah: what's up?
Beatrice: how much longer do I have to hear Subaru yelling in pain. I'm honestly starting to think this was a bad idea.
Kajah: well as I said it's all-
Beatrice: I know it all depends on Subaru but, still...I don't think I can hear that anymore.
Kajah: hmmmm....well...would you like me to take over?
Beatrice:...as much as I would like that I know you can't.
Kajah: Huh? Why not?
Beatrice: because I know you are busy keeping everyone else safe right?
Kajah: yah but you-
Beatrice: I can keep looking after him don't worry. I just need to know how much longer.
Kajah: B-Beatrice. Well perhaps another day give or take.
Beatrice: really? That's good then. Ok thank you.
Kajah: S-Sure.
Meanwhile in the demon world.
Wrath: So looks like it's my turn.
Elizabeth: don't kill him Wrath. Remember father wants him alive
Wrath: HAHAHAH!!! Don't tell me who I can and can't kill fool.
Elizabeth: *tisk* you...
Wrath: I am my own leader. You order your own henchmen not me remember that sister.
Alexander: she's right though Wrath.
Alexander: hm?
Thanatos: why must you be so barbaric brother.
Wrath: HAHAHAH!!!! Because it's FUN!!!
Alexander: (Wrath ever sense you awakened your Yin power. You became insane. why?)
Wrath: well then I guess I'll be heading out then to pick up our little nephew.
Lith: Wrath...remember what father said.
Wrath: Lith aren't you still recovering? Right so shit up and get out of my way.
Lith gets out of his way and looks in the other direction away from him nervously.
Wrath: I'll be back with the prize HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Wrath makes a portal to the world of humans and leaves.
Kajah: Ohh so that's what you like huh Emma.
Emma: Mhm! I really love vegetables.
Kajah: heheh well I'm glad you can tell me your favorite snack now.
Toru: So Emma what else do u enjoy doing?
Emma: I really really love my family *smiles and giggles* and playing with everyone to. Oh will we be able to go back to the village soon Daddy?
Kajah: Huh? Sure I don't see why not?
Emma: YAY!! Mommy will come to right?
Kajah: of course she will. She has to finish shopping though.
Toru: how come she wanted to go alone this time Dad?
Kajah: eh....well
{Couple minutes earlier}
Rem: no
Kajah: But I cant have you going alone.
Rem: and I don't want you to get hurt or run into another enemy like the other day.
Kajah: But what if they come after you?
Rem: well from what I know they are after you.
Kajah: eh? W-well.
Rem: now stay here with the kids and make sure they are ok. I'll be back so don't worry.
Kajah: sigh...yes Mam.
Rem: Good boy.
Kajah: she...just wanted to go alone this time heheh. *sigh*
Toru: well ok
Zephyr: eh? WHAAAAA!!
Roswaal came from nowhere and manages to catch Zephyr.
Roswaal: my my boy you sure like doing wild things huh.
Zephyr: hehe sorry Grandpa
Roswaal: hm no matter. Would you like to come with me to town today?
Zephyr: Huh? What's up? Me?
Raswaal: yes why not all of us go?
Toru: really?!
Raswaal: yes really.
You all can see more of the town to.
Toru: *gasp* YAY!! I'll go tell everyone heheheh.
Toru goes to tell his other siblings about the trip.
Kajah: you sure you want to take them on a trip to town Raswaal?
Raswaal: sure I don't see the problem. Don't worry ill keep an eye on all of them.
Kajah: where will you be going?
Raswaal: well Ram,Emilia and I will be going to take care of some personal matters. We will be heading out soon actually so once the kids all get here we will be gone for a little while.
Kajah: when will you all come back:
Raswaal: a day or 2 hopefully just a day. I'm not sure exactly considering the letter.
Kajah: letter? What letter?
Raswaal: A letter from a mysterious man.
Kajah: uhh.
Raswaal: don't worry. The stranger is trustworthy.
Kajah: well if you say so. I'll make sure to tell Rem then.
Raswaal: ah I forgot she was out shopping. Yes please make sure she knows. Same with Subaru.
Rez: I haven't been to town in a while.
Mei: Nya~ I wonder if they have good fish this time.
Kiskue: this sounds like a great trip. Heh I kinda am curious to see what all you do Grandpa.
Emma: b-but.
Kajah: don't worry Emma we will go to the village after your little trip.
Emma: o-ok Daddy.
Raswaal: come along now kids we have to be heading out.
Ram: I'm here sorry I was putting away some last minute things.
Emilia: I had to get a couple of cloths for them. Sorry I took so long.
Raswaal: oh it's nothing. Well Kajah we will be back.
Kajah: hey have fun everyone
All the kids: WE WILL LOVE YOU DAD!!!
Kajah: heh LOVE YOU ALL TO!
Raswaal,Emilia,Ram,and the kids all head out to town.
Kajah: well...now what...didn't realize how empty it is here without the kids.
Beatrice: yes it is.
Kajah: GAH!!!! Beatrice what the hell.
Beatrice: what?
Kajah: how long have you been there?
Beatrice: not long actually.
Kajah:oh...how's Subaru?
Beatrice: actually it's why I'm here. He's quite now. There's an odd aura emitting off of him.
Kajah: really?
Beatrice: yes come with me.
Beatrice takes Kajah to the room Subaru is in.
Beatrice: see.
Kajah: Huh I see. this is actually the final step.
Beatrice: Really?!
Kajah: yes. Right now his mind, body and soul are becoming one with the Yin energy.
Beatrice: meaning?
Kajah: meaning his Shamak Armor will be created finally.
Beatrice: that's good. I can finally stop hearing his yelling.
Kajah: yep. sorry about putting you through that Beatrice.
Beatrice: it's ok...just not again ok.
Kajah: heh sure.
Kajah and Beatrice leave the room and hear knocking on the door.
Kajah: oh that must be Rem.
Kajah goes to answer the door.
Kajah: hello Rem.
Rem: hello.
He helps Rem put away the items she got.
Kajah: oh Raswaal,Ram,Emilia and the kids all went out to a trip while you where out.
Rem: trip?
Kajah: yes actually Raswaal had to take care of some business.
Rem: oh I see.
Kajah: also Subaru is almost done with his last step.
Kajah: yep
Rem: that's wonderful.
Kajah: yah heh took him long enough.
Rem: teehee yah.
Outside the mansion.
Wrath: so this is where that aura is coming from eh. Well i hope you can entertain me Kajah hehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

                To be continued

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