Second Encounter

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Mid day Ram and Rem are in the kitchen talking to each other.
Rem: so what do you think Kajah would like to eat Ram?
Ram: I don't know why don't you ask him?
Rem: I-I could But..I wanted to surprise him this time.
Ram: hmmm about a nice dessert?
Rem: what kind?
Ram: hmmm oh how about cookies?
Rem: oh I think that's a great idea *smiles*
Meanwhile with Kajah and the kids.
Zephyr: Daaaaad can we go to the blue forest?
Toru: yah yah we haven't been there in a while heheh
Mei: Nya~ Mei wants to go to
Kajah: ok ok kids how about we gooo when...oh your mother and I go. I want to take her first because she never saw it before.
Kiskue: oh yah that's right. I think it would be nice for you two to go dad.
Rez: yah. I guess it would be a good idea.
Toru: yah I agree Dad mommy would love that.
Zephyr: YAH YAH!!! I agree to!
Emma: I hope you take mommy soon daddy *cute giggle* she will be soo happy.
Kajah: heh you all.
He hugs all his kids at once.
Kajah: I love you guys sooooo much.
All the kids: WE LOVE YOU TO DAD!! *giggles and laughs*
With Emilia and Beatrice.
Beatrice is sitting in Emilia's lap
Emilia: you know I love how many people we have here now.
Beatrice: yes I must say it's been very interesting.
Emilia: hey how's Subaru by the way?
Beatrice: oh he's in pa-I mean he's doing ok.
Emilia: Wait what was the other thing you where about to say?
Beatrice: nothing.
Emilia: Beatrice.
Emilia gently pats Beatrice on the head and talks in a very nice sweet tone.
Emilia: Beatrice can you please tell me what's going on with Subaru?
Beatrice:...he is doing great actually I think he will be fine in about 3 days.
Emilia: really?
Beatrice: yes.
Emilia: oh...that's great then thank you Beatrice.
Beatrice: (that was way to close.)
Back to Rem and Ram.
Rem and Ram finish putting the cookies in the oven.
Ram: well now we Wait
Rem: mmhmm
Ram: hey Rem.
Rem: *smiles* yes?
Ram: you must really like Kajah huh
Rem: not like love. I truly am in love with him. I don't think I told him deeply enough.
Ram: huh? What do you mean?
Rem: I mean I think I need to really tell him how I feel.
Ram: huh? Haven't you already?
Rem: no...not really. I will tell him how I feel deep down. Yes I know we have been dating but we never told each other we love one another yet.
Ram: ah ok. (What does she mean?)
Rem: hmmm well when we go out again. Just the two of us *smiles*
Ram: oh that sounds good.
Some time passes and the little snack for Kajah are done.
Rem: all right done.
Rem smiles and takes care of the cookies.
Ram: (I must admit Rem has changed a lot over these past few days. I wasn't sure about this but...I think letting this happen is good for her.)
Rem: Ram?
Ram: oh! Y-yes?
Rem: you ok?
Ram: yes yes I'm ok. What's wrong?
Rem: oh I was asking you how do they look?
Ram: oh sure let's me see. Wow they turned out great. Kajah would love them.
Rem: really?! Thank you I can't wait to let him try them.
Back to Kajah and the kids.
Rez: hahahah can't get me zephyr!
Rez: SO?!
Rez and zephyr continue to run around the mansion.
Kajah: hey you two be have come on now.
Rez and zephyr are having too much fun to hear Kajah and continue running around.
Rez: hahahah can't get me zephyr.
Zephyr: grrrrrrr
Kajah: REZ!!! ZEPHYR!!!
A loud collision noise is herd.
Kajah: runs over to see what it was.
Kajah: Huh? Rem? And Ram? What are you two up to?
Rem,Ram ,Rez and Zephyr are all sitting on the ground.
Ram: ow ow ow. what are you two thinking running around like that?
Rez: ehhhh...s-sorry about that.
Zephyr: y-yah...were sorry.
Ram: didn't Kajah call you two?
Rez: we...didn't hear him.
zephyr: we must have gone too far.
Kajah: *sigh* you two.
Ram: well next time y- ....Rem?
Rem: look at the broken cookies that fell to the ground after the collision.
Rem: .......
Ram: h-hey's ok we can make more.
Rem: we-th-they...It's-its ok..i-I'll clean this up.
Rem looking upset started to get up but Kajah held out his hand and smiles at her.
Kajah: I'll help you two up.
After helping them up Kajah decided to try the cookies despite them broken and on the ground.
Rem: K-Kajah...what are you. 
Kajah: mmm that was really good!
Rem: b-but.
Kajah: you make some amazing sweets to?
Kajah ended up eating every single one and enjoyed them all.
Kajah: that was amazing. Heheh you two sure know how to make deserts.
Rem:....y-you mean it? I-I tried adding some new ingredients to them to make them taste sweeter.
Kajah: mhm I loved them.
Rem: no longer looking upset smiles and hugs Kajah.
Rem: thank you so much.
Ram: (heh nice save are definitely someone I can trust. I'm glad I don't have to worry.)
Rez and Zephyr: we're sorry again about running in the mansion.
Ram: good because next time this happens you two will be cleaning all the bathrooms for a month.
Rez and zephyr: yes mam.
After some time had gone by Rem and Ram noticed that they were really low on food.
Rem: oh we need more vegetables and meat.
Ram: yes I had no idea we were out.
Rem: I'll go to town real quick to get some.
Ram: you don't have to.
Rem: it's ok really. Besides I used up a lot of ingredients today.
Ram: well...alright if you say so.
Rem gets ready to leave but then Kajah shows up.
Kajah: oh hi Rem. Where are you headed off to?
Rem: oh hi Kajah. I was off to pick up some more food and other supplies. I did used a lot.
Kajah: oh mind if I join you?
Rem: Huh?
Kajah: yah I don't see why not? Pulse I won't let you go alone.
Rem: oh ok.
Kajah and Rem head out to town. While there they decided to see if Lunanie was home. After seeing that she wasn't they decided to head on back with their groceries before it gets too dark out.
On the way back they herd a voice.
Strange voice: So you must be the boy named Kajah I assume.
Kajah: Huh? *GAH!
Kajah begins holding his chest in pain.
Rem: Kajah Kajah what's wrong?
Kajah: m-my chest it-it hurts.
Rem quickly helps support Kajah keeping him from falling from the pain.
Rem: what's going on?
Strange voice: that curse reacts to anyone of royal blood is near. A stranger comes from behind a tree.
Thanatos: my name is Thanatos. I am the brother of Lith
Kajah:....d-dam not n-now.
Rem: you... GO AWAY!!!
Rem drops everything and begins to attack Thanatos. Thanatos however easily dodged her.
Rem: what?
Thanatos: unlike my little sister I am no stranger to battle.
Rem goes for another attack thins time with her chained mace but Thanatos grabs it and pulls her in. Then grabs her arm and pins her down.
Thanatos: do you really think you are any match for me little girl?
Kajah: R-REM!! *cough*
Kajah holds his chest in more pain.
Thanatos: Kajah you must come with me. I must be sure you are our blood. If you are then you are waisting your time with these mortals here.
Rem struggles more trying to get up but Thanatos is just way above her strength even when she uses her demon power.
Thanatos: hm? This girl is a demon as well? Interesting...however her level is only close to Lith. She is nothing to me.
Kajah: L-let her g-go... p-please.
Thanatos: hm? I cannot do that.
Kajah: what?
Thanatos: because she will want to help you if I do. I am no fool. Bringing her will avoid unnecessary conflict. So Kajah why not come with me now.
Kajah: d-dam it.

To be continued

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