The Legendary War Brothers

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On the ground Wrath cuts his way through the second and first wave of demons like they where paper.
Thanatos: well well took you long enough Wrath.
Wrath: hmph. Had to make a grand entrance.
Lunanie: WRATH!!!
Lunanie runs over and gives Wrath a big hug making both of them fall.
Lunanie: *crying with joy* I'm so happy you came back Wrath.
Wrath:*sigh* to mom. look I've...said some bad things to you before...I umm...sorry about everything.
Lunanie: heh it's ok sweetie. Long as you're back it's all I care about.
Wrath: You always do have a big heart mother.
Lunanie: *giggles*
After getting up Wrath asked everyone the situation.
Crusch: well we are losing soldiers able to fight. Not to mention our healers are getting tiered now from all the recovering. It's a big help with Lunanie,Lith and Thanatos aiding us.
Priscilla: will you be helping us to Wrath?
Wrath: of course. Hm? Is that Rem in there?
Emilia: yes.
Wrath: give me a second.
Rem: hm?
Wrath: Rem.
Wrath goes into is normal state and gets on one knee bowing.
Rem: wh-what are you?
Anastasia: that's what he looks like?
Priscilla: another cutie huh Anastasia.
Crusch: really you two?
Priscilla: it's a joke jeez Crusch.
Felt: suuure it was.
Wrath: I hope you can forgive my actions before...I was not myself.
Rem: if you're here then I can forgive you.
Wrath: Kajah told me he had something to tell you after the war. I'm curious to what that is?
Rem: I am to.
Thanatos: Wrath are you ready brother?
Wrath: yah let's do this just like other wars.
Wrath gets up at the same time he turns into his demon armor from.
Priscilla: woah the change.
Lith: that's Wrath for ya. He gets like that when he uses his Demon armor to the fullest. Those two are a force to recon with to.
Crusch: what does that mean?
Lith: heheh you will see.
Thanatos and Wrath both go outside the barrier and into the battlefield calmly walking.
Julius: they seem very calm.
Aldebaran: oh man you know they got some crazy combos in store.
Thanatos: so Wrath.
Wrath: Hm?
Thanatos: It feels good right?
Wrath: helping the weak?
Thanatos: if that's how you put it then yes.
Wrath: hah...honestly I'm just happy to choose what I want to do.
Thanatos: hmph you surly do have an odd way of expressing yourself.
Wrath: yah yah let's just have some fun.
Thanatos: agreed.
Wrath unleashes his eight chained blades.
Wrath: heheheheh HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Everyone sees Wrath and Thanatos doing incredible tag team combos and moves looking as they are having fun.
Reinhard: incredible...
Wilhelm: if they where our enemies...we would surly lose.
Aldebaran: your telling me...
Felix: they-they are really something that's for sure.
Thanatos: combined attack.
Wrath and Thanatos: BITTER END!!!
Both Thanatos and Wrath unleashed a powerful combination attack that created a black and red cloud. The cloud had soul like figures in it with a giant skull at the front of the attack covering the area in death. When the smoke cleared there was nothing left but the soldiers that where fighting and the two brothers.
Crusch: th-there's no demons left?
Priscilla: that's insane...
Anastasia: yah...
Emilia: I'm glad they are on our side now.
Puck: these two...
Thanatos: hmph I'm glad no one got hurt by that attack.
The two brothers began walking back talking to each other.
When they got back all the soldiers cheered for what they accomplished.
Soldiers: YAHHHHH!!!
Wrath: hm?
Thanatos: this should give them time to prepare for the next waves. Crusch.
Crusch: yes?
Thanatos: that attack we can't do again for a little bit. However we can still keep fighting. Tell your men to get ready.
Wrath: hey look at that. Day time is starting to approach.
Thanatos: good This should make seeing a lot easier.
Wrath: HAH! I can see fine in the dark.
Lunanie: teeheehee you two.
Lunanie pulls them both to her level and give them a big hug. Wrath pulls Lith in with them to.
Lith: AH! W-Wrath!
Wrath: you're getting in this to.
Lunanie: heheh I'm so glad to have my babies back you have no idea.
Puck: (heh that's cute.)
Emilia: heheh you four are cute.
Wrath: oh?! Rem.
Rem: yes?
Wrath: you know I just thought. What if Kajah asks you to marry him? You will be apart of this crazy family right?
Rem: wh-what? M-m-marriage?
Wrath: what?? It's true...
Thanatos: Wrath...
Rem is standing smiling blushing twirling her thumbs.
Rem: he-he told me he wanted to ask me something when he gets back...d-do you think?
Lunanie: *giggles* maybe.
Lith: I'm sure he wanted it to be a secret Wrath...
Thanatos: you're something else in your armor you know that.
Wrath: Wahhh?
Crusch: heheheh. You all are actually making me laugh.
Priscilla: *laughs* it is pretty funny.
Anastasia: it's cute teehee.
Puck: well then congratulations Rem.
Rem smiling more blushes.
Rem: I-I mean...It-it could be something else.
Ram: oh I know it's that Rem. Hey be happy and be careful out there.
Wrath oh don't worry I'll make sure Kajah's future wife is safe.
Thanatos: as will I.
Emilia: heheh looks like you have your own personal guards Rem.
Rem: I-I don't know what to say.
Wrath: you'll be our future niece after all.
Thanatos: indeed.
Lith: teehee and Wrath can make amazing wedding outfit.
Wrath: LITH!!
Lith: what? Oh was that supposed to be a secret? Fufufu now they know.
Wrath: dam it Lith.
Lunanie: (heheh he's gonna use the ring I gave him. That ring I gave you was your father's's very special to because written in it says "no matter what I'll always be there with you my love.")
Rem: *smiles* Thank you.
Emilia: I'm happy for you Rem.
Felix: (this is nice and relaxing. A calm before the storm.)
Reinhard: wow a marriage huh.
Aldebaran: that's something nice if I do say so myself.
Wilhelm: I'm not sure we are invited.
Lunanie: *giggles* why not. Everyone is invited. I'll hold it in my palace.
Priscilla: P-PALACE?!
Anastasia: h-how important are you exactly?
Wrath: oh...uhhh..
Thanatos: Lunanie is a High Elf Queen that rules several nations in our realm.
Puck: are you serious?!
Reinhard: your...a Queen of that standard?!
Aldebaran:...well then the more you know.
Julius: this is a huge change now.
Lunanie: what? I don't like being a Queen all the time... it's boring so I come to this realm to enjoy myself. I really like it here.
Emilia: that makes you all.
Lith: yes royalty but, please don't act different around us.
Lunanie: yah I like how you all treat me like a normal person.
Julius: this is normal to you?
Lunanie: ehh well a lot better than my realm.
Felix: must be a beautiful palace Lunanie.
Lunanie: oh yes very.
Lith: I go there still. They ask when your trip is over all the time.
Lunanie: hmmm well I guess it's almost that time to return huh.
Felix: hey that hand is moving again.
Wrath: well guess it's almost time for wave three and four huh.
Thanatos: looks like it. I'll guard here you get the left and put all your men to the right.
Wrath: Don't worry about us. Me and Thanatos are a two man army heheh.
Thanatos: understood?
Everyone gets ready for the next two waves of demons.
Wrath: well guess I better get ready huh.
Wrath goes into his demon armor form once again.
Wrath: HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I always love this feeling. Now then no one else leave this camp unless it's really important.
Wrath leaves the safety of the dome waiting for the army of demons to start pouring out once again.
Lith: I hope Kajah can get Elizabeth back without hurting her too much.
We are definitely gonna need her for wave five.
The hand gets further out and the waves of the demons begin to start pouring out.
Wrath: HERE WE GO!!
The battlefield once again is live and active with demons and soldiers fighting.
{Meanwhile inside of the Demon fortress}
Alexander: we are almost there.
Subaru: hopefully we can beat him quickly to help the others.
Kajah: yah I-
Elizabeth: KAJAH!!!
Kajah: that's...
Subaru: Elizabeth....
Elizabeth guarding to massive gates to Xalvec stands before the three of them.
Elizabeth: i want you...Kajah.
Alexander: (Elizabeth...)

          To be continued

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