Kajah and Rem go down to the dining room where everyone was.
Rem: Hello and good morning everyone. Look who got up.
Emilia: Huh? He's up now?
Subaru: REALLY!!
Ram: well that's great news
Beatrice: well that good to hear.
Emma:*Gasp* DADDY!!
Kajah: heheh hi sorry I was out everyone.
Toru: DAD!!! YOUR UP!!
Rez: You had us worried yah know that dad jeez.
Mei: Nya Nya~ Daddy *giggles* im glad your awake.
Zephyr: YAY!! DAD IS AWAKE!!!
Kiskue: K-D..Dad.
Kajah hugs all but Kiskue.
Kajah: come here Kiskue.
Kajah holds out both of his arms at Kiskue.
Kiskue: D-Dad.
Kiskue runs over to Kajah and cries in his arms tears of joy.
Kiskue: *crying* dad I'm so happy you're awake. I-I thought you would never wake up. I-I didn't know what to do anymore.
Everyone besides Kajah and Rem are confused at why Kiskue is crying so much.
Rez: K-Kiskue ...h-hey you ok?
Emma: what's wrong big brother?
Mei: Kiskue? Wh-why Are you crying? Please don't cry...if-if you do...Mei will cry to.
Zephyr: K-Kiskue.
Toru: *sniff* Dad...
After seeing Kiskue cry and let out his emotions all the other kids did the same thing and cried on Kajah as he hugged them all.
Rez: *crying* Y-you have no idea how scared we where.
Mei: *crying* I-I still feel so bad...I'm so sorry dad Mei is really sorry.
Emma: *crying* I'm more to blame...I-I know that you had to but...I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me. I-
Kajah: Emma it's ok. You know I would do anything for you kids.
Emma: B-But.
Zephyr: *crying* you can't do that anymore ok dad? Really don't do that again.
Emilia smiles at Kajah and the kids as they all cry with tears of joy hugging their father.
Subaru: I'm glad you're awake Kajah. You had us all worried.
Ram: your crazy you know that.
Beatrice: do you have any idea how close you came to dying?
Kajah: ehhhhhh heheh...close?
Beatrice: yes very.
Rem hugs the kids as well to reassure that everything is ok now.
Rem: it's ok kids we are all here for you ok.
Subaru: ah that's right. Kajah.
Kajah: yah?
Subaru: uhh I'll let Emilia tell you.
Kajah: ok?
Emilia: eh? Oh Subaru really?
Subaru: heheh.
Emilia: *sigh* well Kajah we think that its appropriate to say that we are a family to these kids. That means we have taken the roles as family members. Soooo I'm their aunt
Subaru: I'm their uncle
Ram: in also their aunt
Beatrice: I apparently am their big sister...why again?
Emilia: come on you know it's cute.
Beatrice: hump...I guess it can't be helped.
Puck: well at least your not a family pet dam it!
Everyone laughs at Pucks reaction.
Rem: and I'm their mother of course.
Kajah shocked and surprised by what he herd looks at everyone.
Kajah: ....what all happened when I was asleep?
Subaru: a lot heehee.
Later that morning everyone had a nice meal and began doing their normal routine. However Kajah was still bed written because of his heart and him being in bed motionless for days. Rem has been taking care of him and making sure he's ok.
Kajah: uhh look Rem I really appreciate what your doing and all but...I mean you don't have to be with me around the clock.
Rem: no because I know you.
Kajah: eh?
Rem: you would go and try to train to see what you can and can't to.
Kajah makes a funny surprised face because he knew she was 100% correct.
Kajah: heh-heheh....how'd a know?
Rem: because...I love you.
Rem kisses Kajah on the lips having him blush red.
Kajah: ...wh-what was that?
Rem: *smile and giggles* im glad you're awake Kajah.
Kajah: m-me to.
As the day went on Kajah asked for Subaru and Emilia in his room. Rem
Was also there while Ram was looking after the kids.
Emilia: what's going on Kajah?
Subaru: yah what's up?
Kajah: Subaru.
Kajah: I know it's sudden but..I think it's time you learned the next step in the yin ability.
Subaru: you mean.
Kajah: mhm
Subaru: when do I learn it?
Rem: Wait you can't use your powers remember Kajah?
Kajah: I know you told me. However this is different. This requires only blood on blood contact.
Emilia: Huh?
Kajah: In other words my blood has to mix with Subaru's blood.
Emilia: isn't that dangerous?
Kajah: oh of course it is but, i trust Subaru can handle it.
Subaru nods in agreement.
Emilia: B-but.
Rem: don't worry Emilia. You know Subaru has done lots before in the past to help you. This will be no different. If anything he will be even stronger and help protect us more.
Emilia stands by Subaru for a little bit looking into his eyes as if looking in his soul.
Subaru: ehhhhhhh
Emilia: o-ok...I believe in you Subaru.
Kajah: GREAT!! Let's go see Beatrice now.
Emilia: Huh? Why?
Kajah: because he's gonna need someone there that can keep him in a special room without being disrupted.
Subaru: oh right...that part you told me about before.
Emilia: part what part? Kajah?
Kajah: Subaru will be in tremendous pain. Pain far beyond his imagination.
Emilia: WHAT?! Never mind then.
Subaru: Emilia
Emilia: no.
Subaru: come on I know I will be ok.
Emilia: absolutely not
Kajah: *whispers to Rem* they sure act like a married couple huh Rem.
Rem: *giggles and whispers back* yah kinda like us.
Kajah: EH!
Kajah's face got red again and he began to get nervous.
Rem: Emilia why not let him do this for you?
Emilia: because I don't need him to do this for me I-
Kajah: Emilia...listen to me.
Emilia stops talking and listens.
Kajah: you know I cannot use any of my powers right? So what if an enemy like the one I fought in the forest a couple days ago comes back? Or has others that are stronger than her...she mentioned her father correct? What if she has siblings coming for us?
Emilia: but what if that was a lie?
Kajah: honestly I don't think it's a lie. Something tells me it's not and, if I'm unable to use my powers everyone here is in grave danger. If Subaru can use the power I have and master it, he will definitely be able to protect everyone. I'm sure of it.
Emilia: ...
Kajah: so what do you say?
Subaru: Emilia please.
Emilia: FINE!!!! Ok...just...you better not die from this.
Subaru: I promise I won't. (If I do there's always return from death.)
Kajah: good lets go then.
The four of them go to find Beatrice.
Emilia: Beatrice!
Beatrice: yes Emilia?
Emilia:oh hi we need your help.
Beatrice: oh? Ok.
Emilia: explains everything to Beatrice with everyone listening.
Beatrice: I see. Very well fallow me.
They fallow Beatrice to the her library.
Beatrice: I'll look after him here do what you need to do.
Kajah: Emilia please leave. Rem you to.
Rem: ok.
Emilia: Wait what? Hold on.
Rem: let's go Emilia.
Rem drags Emilia out of the room.
*door closes*
Subaru: *sigh* she's gonna be so mad later.
Kajah: alright Beatrice do you have a knife or blade?
Beatrice: here use this.
Beatrice pulls out a small knife out of know where.
Kajah: thank you.
Subaru: ehhhh what are you gonna do with that?
Kajah: relax.
Kajah makes a cut across his right hand.
Let me see your right hand.
Subaru: o-ok.
Subaru holds out his right hand and Kajah does the same thing to Subaru's hand.
Subaru:... (this is it.)
Kajah: Subaru I see you as my brother you know that?
Subaru: y-yah.
Kajah: and doing this will make use blood brothers indefinitely. You ready for this?
Subaru: let's do it.
Subaru and Kajah combined their hands together making Kajah's blood mix with Subaru's.
Kajah: there all done.
Subaru:....uuhhhhh isn't something supposed to happen instantly?
Kajah: yep.
Kajah and Subaru release their grip. When doing that Kajah's hand instantly healed.
Subaru: woah.
Kajah: oh don't worry once you're cut closes as fast as mine just did you will feel the pain I was talking about.
Subaru: o-oh so how long till-
Before Subaru could finish the cut on his hand instantly healed and he felt the pain Kajah was talking about.
Beatrice: k-Kajah is he gonna be ok? Ummm this..seems...too much don't you think?
Kajah: he will have to endure this. The blood right now is trying to mix with his. It's not a pleasant process.
Beatrice: I know but...
Kajah: Beatrice relax. Don't lose that cool you always have ok?
Beatrice: hmph
Kajah: this is why I needed your help. No one else can keep their cool better than you. And given how Subaru looks now , I doubt anyone could handle it but you.
Beatrice: yes...I see your point. Alright then.
Kajah: thank you so much.
Beatrice: I'll stay here until he's done.
Kajah: this might take a while. A week maybe? Give or take.
Beatrice: he won't be able to eat?
Kajah: don't worry about that. His body will be ok. This process slows his body's digestive systems by a lot. Well I'll be going now.
Beatrice: Wait where?
Kajah: someone has to keep this place safe right?
Beatrice: but you can't. Your curse.
Kajah turns to the door getting ready to open it but responds to what Beatrice said to him.
Kajah: Beatrice...sometimes you have to give up your life to help keep the people you love safe.
Kajah turns to Beatrice and smiles at her.
Kajah: even you Beatrice. I'll die to keep you safe to.
Beatrice: Kajah...you.
Kajah: everyone here is family to me you know. Well take care of Subaru. Good luck buddy.
Beatrice: *sigh* just go already.
Kajah: r-right heh.
Kajah leaves and thinks to himself
Kajah: (I know it will hurt to the point you want to die Subaru...but I-I trust you. After all you're my brother.)
Kajah returns to the girls.
Kajah: hey Rem and Emilia sorry it took so long.
Emilia: Subaru how is he? Is he ok? Kajah what happened?
Kajah: relax Emilia he's ok and Beatrice is looking after him right now.
Rem: ah see Emilia every thing is alright.
Kajah: Emilia trust me he's gonna be ok.
Emilia:... but.
Rem: Emilia please trust him. I know Kajah would never put Subaru in danger unless he knew he would be ok.
Kajah: R-Rem... thanks that means a lot for you to say.
Kajah: well now let's go and see what the kids are up to.
Rem: let's play with them outside like before.
Kajah: sounds great.
Emilia: I-I guess I can go to.
Emilia, Rem and Kajah all got the kids and played with them outside.
Kajah: (Subaru...I would never put you through that unless I knew you could handle it. Subaru you are my brother and I know you can do it. Please try to endure that pain.)To be continued
Re:Zero Rise of The Demon Lords
FanficUpdate to all who read. I've finished fixing all the parts. I'm shocked to see 77 people have viewed this honestly lol. I've been working on my own Original story lately and its kinda priority for me. I have to first type then illustrate everything...