Chapter 1

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Amir's Pov

"Father are you sure you want me to come with you?" I ask, sitting across from my father in his office. I stare in his general direction blankly, confused about this sudden invitation.

"Yes, I'm sure. I think you are finally old and strong enough to leave the island," He says in return.

"I think I've been strong enough for a while now. You've never let me leave before so why now?" I cross my arms across my chest.

"Amir just pack what you need and we will depart soon," He stands and leaves my room. I sigh softly, getting up to pack for my first journey away from home.

I wonder all the time why Father acts this way. He never tells me why he does what he does. It's like how he keeps me locked up here my whole life and now he suddenly wants me to travel with him. It's strange and I just know he has a secret motive. He always does, but that's just who the King of Sindria is I suppose.

I walk in my room to be greeted by Yamuraiha. She is one of my father's generals and also my sensei. Out of all the generals I'm the closest with her. She is the one who raised me so it's only nature I suppose.

"Yam, what are you doing here?" I question as I walk towards my closet.

"I just wanted to help you pack. I know it's a little difficult for you," She follows close behind me. I sigh a little but nod in agreement. I can't deny that it's difficult to pick out an outfit when you're blind. "Why don't you go sit down while I do this?" I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Alright," I sit on my bed, waiting for her to pack my clothes. Soon she finished and we make our way to the docks to depart.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She dramatically cries, hugging me tightly. I just stand there awkwardly. I've never been very good with other people touching me. "Promise to be safe alright!"

"O-Okay, I promise. Now please let go," I mumble, trying to pry her arms off of me. I'm saved when Father pulls her off.

"Alright Yamuraiha, that's enough. We need to leave now," He puts a hand on my shoulder, leading me to the boat and helping me aboard.

"So where are we going?" I ask as we settle in.

"We're going to Balbadd. They have stopped trade with Sindria so we're going to figure out why."

"I see. Sounds interesting," I smile half heartily. I still can't help but wonder why he brought me with him. Is there something he wants me to learn about trading?

~~Shortly After Arrival~~

I sigh softly. My father has disappeared yet again and I'm not even a little surprised by this. He always tends to wonders off and leaves me with all the work.
My train of thought is broken when I hear the guards yelling at a rather shady person at the entrance. I choose to just ignore it until Ja'far and Masrur begin to speak.

"He's here," Masrur says blankly. It must be my father. Of course, he would be doing something shady. I sigh softly, shaking my head at this. I don't bother moving though seeing as Ja'far will deal with this matter.

"Honestly, what took him so long?" Ja'far sighs. "Enough," He orders the guards to stop and brings my father in. I listen carefully and notice two more people are with them.

"Sin-sama, where have you been until now?" Ja'far asks, obviously annoyed. I sigh in disappointment as my father explains the story. He hasn't even noticed me yet, which doesn't help with the disappointment.

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