Chapter 2

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Aladdin's Pov

"Sinbad! How could you say that to him!?" Ja'far suddenly yells, making me jump in shock. All I can do is watch this unfold in front of me. Mister Sinbad seemed like a really nice guy when I first met him, but now he seems like a heartless King. I don't understand...

"Age doesn't matter, does it? The most important point is whether they have the capability of facing the thieves or not," Mister Sinbad tries to reason.

"Maybe age doesn't matter, but Amir isn't capable! He's blind! You just told your only son that you would send him off to die!"

"When did this even become about Amir?" He asks suddenly. "This is about Aladdin. Aladdin is a Magi. Just as you see here, he wields powers beyond imagination. Although he is still a child, his capability already far surpasses that of a fully-grown adult. I was fourteen when I first captured a dungeon. It was said that thousands had died in that dungeon. Since then, my experiences during those repeated voyages, adventures, and life-threatening fights have become my weapon in those years where survival wasn't guaranteed. What is needed is power. To stay alive when challenging unknown worlds, you need an ability that surpasses everyone else! He has that power. You should be able to see it too, right Ja'far?" Mister Sinbad explains.

"Maybe so, but we can't ask him to decide just yet," Ja'far answers after thinking. "At least let Aladdin think about this first," He demands.

"Alright," Sinbad nods in agreement. "Aladdin, why don't you talk this over with your friend here? Take your time," He smiles at me.

I slowly nod before Mor and I walk to another area to talk. "Mister said to get rid of the thieves. Mor, what should we do?" I ask softly. I'm still confused by the whole situation between Amir and Mister Sinbad. Why would he act like that to him?

"Let's join them," Mor says, driving me away from my thoughts.

"We're really going to?"

"Yes, that is because the ship to the Dark Continent was halted due to the Fog Troupe. Once the Fog Troupe is taken down, the harbor will probably resume its activities. Furthermore, according to our previous conversation, it seems this man is familiar with Balbadd's King. If we managed to solve this problem, we can also borrow the country's resources to aid us in our search for Alibaba."

"Oh, Morgiana is clever!" Mister Sinbad pops out from behind the wall with Masrur. I jump in surprise. Was he spying on us? "Completely different from you who resolves everything through brute force!" He teases the other man.

Morgiana steps towards Mister Sinbad. "We are looking for someone; surely you can request the King to help us?" She questions.

"Of course! I will ask the King of Balbadd to send people to search the entire nation," He promises. "Furthermore, I will arrange a boat to the Dark Continent. How does that sound?"

"Yeah!" I quickly agree in excitement for Mor. "We'll help with taking care of those thieves!"

"Then we have an agreement! Let's draw up a strategy Aladdin!" Mister Sinbad grins widely at me.

"Yeah!" Mor and I agree.

"As for Morgiana! Why don't you just stay at the hotel with Amir and wait for us?"

"Um... I can fight, too," Mor mumbles in confusion.

"No, even if you are a Finalist, I can't let a girl fight. Just leave this matter to us men; you just wait at the hotel! All right!" He grins at her then begins to lead her back inside.

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