Chapter 5

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Amir's Pov

I woke up to nothing but darkness and silence. My eyes go wide in panic. I quickly try to sit up only to fall back groaning in pain.

"Amir?" I hear Aladdin's voice. I quickly try to find him. Why can't I find his rukh? I look around widely, not even caring if he thinks I'm going crazy. I suddenly feel his hand on my shoulder as he gently pushes me to lay back down. "You need to stay laying down or you'll reopen your wound."

"W-Where are you?" I whisper, grabbing his hand that's on my shoulder to reassure myself that he is real. My eyes dart around the room to try to find the lights I grew to love.

"I knew it," He mumbles. "You can see, can't you Amir?" I freeze, my mind going blank. "It's okay to tell me you know? We're friends after all!" I can hear his grin as he says that. He isn't mad? He isn't disappointed in me for hiding it?

"How?" I whisper through my shock.

"I just had a feeling that you could," He shrugs lightly. "I noticed the way you would look at certain things. You also didn't move like a blind person would."

"I see," I slowly lift my arm up, trying to find his face. I find nothing but air until he takes my hand and moves it towards him. When my fingers touch his cheek, I flinch back for a moment before gently laying my hand on his cheek. This is the first time that I've actually touched him.

"Will you tell me how?" He mumbles, leaning into my hand slightly.

"I-I can't," I begin to pull my hand away, but he doesn't let me. He sets his over it and holds both of our hands there. I relax when he does that. I never realized how nice it feels to hold someone else, to touch someone.

"Alright," He nods. "I won't make you, but why did you freak out when you woke up?"

"B-Because," My voice begins to shake a little as I remember the darkness. He actually made me forget about it. "Because I can't see... It's dark," I can feel him frown a little.

"Amir, are you scared of the dark?" He questions me softly. I nod slowly, my cheeks growing a little red. I've always hated admitting that. I've always been afraid of the dark, but it's worse now than when I was younger. Back then I'd always say it was something else to my father or Yam so they wouldn't think I was acting like a child with a silly fear. "Well you don't need to be when I'm here. I'll be your light," He smiles softly. I stare in his direction, my eyes wide. Slowly, my eyes begin to tear up before they silently slide down my face. "H-Hey, what's wrong!?" He panics.

"N-Nothing's wrong," I smile at him. "It's just... you're the first person in a very long time to be so nice to me other than Yam. I-I'm happy," I whisper the last part and look away quickly to try and hide my bright red face. He laughs softly at me.

"It's okay to be happy. There's no reason to be embarrassed," He gently sits on the edge of the bed. Slowly, I begin to fall asleep. I drift off soundly as I listen to his even breathing and for once the dark didn't bother me one bit.

Aladdin's Pov

I sigh softly as I watch Amir sleep. It's hard to believe that he is hiding that he can see. I wonder why he would do that? Maybe it has to do with Mister Sinbad. A soft knock on the door draws my attention away from Amir. I stand up carefully so I don't wake him before walking to the door. I open it to see Morgiana and Alibaba.

"Hey, Aladdin," Alibaba mumbles, looking down. I frown at him. Things must have gone badly.

"Come on in and we can talk, but we have to quietly," I whisper to them. Once we're all inside the room I go back to Amir's side. I don't know why, but I just don't feel comfortable leaving him alone right now.

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