Chapter 4

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Amir's Pov

"Cassim! What did you bring so many subordinates for!?" Alibaba shouts. I shakily stand up and grab my staff. I can't lose this time. I refuse to!

"Isn't that obvious!?" Cassim shouts back. "When we found out you had been abducted, we immediately came to save you! According to reports, our enemy has extraordinary skills. That is why I mobilized the whole group!"

"What are you saying!?" Alibaba glares at him.

"So, this is Cassim," Morgiana mumbles softly, staring at Cassim. Aladdin does the same, but silently.

"Aren't you those brats who interfered yesterday!? I see. You're part of the military too, eh?" Cassim raises his weapon. I also raise my own, ready to protect Aladdin no matter what happens.

"You must be Cassim. You're here to take back Alibaba, right?" Morgiana begins to walk forward. She looks back to Alibaba and I can almost feel her cold stare. "Do you want to leave with him, Alibaba?" Suddenly the people in the hotel start screaming in terror.

"Cassim! What are you doing!? I've never heard of the Fog Troupe attacking a hotel!" Alibaba yells at Cassim.

"You idiot! If we don't do it thoroughly, we'll be the ones to die! Our enemy is that Sinbad!" My eyes go wide in disbelief. He knows of my father and yet he still attacked this place!? How foolish can he be!?

"Cassim, when you mentioned Sinbad... did you mean that Sinbad!?"

"I'll tell you later! There's no time!" Cassim rushes forward and grabs Alibaba. Out of the corner of my eye I see Morgiana leap forward to attack him, but misses. Alibaba had pushed him away. So, he's still the enemy after everything we just talked about?

"What!? Is that girl a monster!?"

"Just run Cassim!" Alibaba yells. Both of them begin to run in the direction of the stairs. Morgiana, Aladdin, and I quickly chase after them.

"Attacking this hotel's innocent guests! The nature of a thief is hard to change but let me take care of that!" Morgiana yells in anger and begins to run even faster up the stairs.

"Wait, Mor!" Aladdin calls out for her to stop, but she doesn't listen. Aladdin and I reach finally reach the top, both of us panting.

"Come, monster girl!" Cassim taunts her. "I'll stop you with the black fog again!" Before Morgiana could even take one step a person breaks through the ground. When the dust clears I recognize Masrur, Ja'far, and my father's rukh. I sigh in relief, but don't dare relax just yet.

"Are you alright, Aladdin?" My father asks. I frown a little at that before shaking it off.

"Mister Sinbad!" Aladdin shouts in shock.

"More strange people appeared!?" Some of the Fog Troupe members shout in fear.

"They're merely trying to scare us! Go, everyone!" Cassim orders.

"There's quite a lot of them. Masrur!" Father commands.

"Understood," Masrur nods firmly. He takes a deep breath and moves into a strange stance before he shoots forward. He appears again behind Cassim. Many of the Fog Troupe members begin to collapse from the unknown attack.

"Masrur, you overdid it!" Father scolds lightly. "Use less power next time."

"You... who are you?" Cassim asks my father in pure rage.

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