Chapter 23

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Amir's Pov

"What will happen to these children?" Morgiana softly asks. By the time we made it out the navy had already captured the pirates and loaded them up on their boats to take back to the city. Now we are back at the city docks, waiting for them to decide what they are going to do with the remaining pirates.

"The navy is completing preparations for transporting them. They will probably be imprisoned," I answer her.

"Yes and after that... well," The captain of our boat looks towards the ground, unable to finish his sentence.

"But these guys... they're all small children," Alibaba says, staring at the sobbing children.

"Mother!!" Olba and the other children begin to scream. "Don't go, Mother!"

"It's alright, my children," She smiles at them. The guards take her by the arms and begin to pull her towards the boat. From the corner of my eye I notice Hakuryuu stagger forward.

"Are you alright, Hakuryuu?" Morgiana asks him. He doesn't answer her.

"Kill her," More voices begin to shout over the crying children. "Kill that woman immediately!" We all look towards the cities people in shock.

"Kill her! She did terrible things! You don't have to transfer her!" A man yells at the navy guards. Soon they are all rushing the guards to get to Aum Madaura.

"H-Halt!" A guard shutters as he tries to push them back. It doesn't take long for the people to overpower the guards. They grab her by the hair, yanking as hard as they can as they restrain her. Soon all of the people are beating Aum Madaura as she cries out for mercy.

"This kind of thing!" Morgiana gasps.

"Stop them!" Alibaba screams at the guards. None of them make a move to step in. Slowly, Hakuryuu steps forward with a sword in hand.

"Hakuryuu?" I frown in confusion. He continues to walk towards Aum Madaura and the people back away from him as he points the sword at them.

"Ah! Child! You are such a good boy! You came here to help me!" Aum Madaura smiles up at him. Hakuryuu softly smiles in return before he raises the sword above his head. He swings the blade down, cutting her head clean off her shoulders, the soft smile never leaving his face. My eyes go wide as I watch her head roll away before it completely disappears from my vision. Hakuryuu walks towards the spot her head fell before bending over to pick it up.

"Hakuryuu!!" Alibaba abruptly yells as he stomps forward. He grabs Hakuryuu by the collar of his shirt, yanking him towards him. "What the hell have you done!?"

"What are you asking?" Hakuryuu asks in a flat voice. "I executed the captain of the pirates. It was the only way to calm down these people. And the people of this town wanted it as well. We were sent to exterminate the pirates for the sake of the people of this city in the first place, right?" Alibaba remains silent, staring at Hakuryuu in shock. "But," Hakuryuu looks down slightly. "It's true that I got a little enthusiastic because of her magic. I still saw her as my own mother."

"You saw her as your Mother!? Then why did you do that!?" Alibaba snaps out of his silence.

"That was the reason. I remembered," Hakuryuu yanks his shirt from Alibaba's hand and takes a few steps away. "My mission was to kill the Al Sarmen witch who took up with my uncle and usurped the Kou Empire. To kill my own mother."

"That's enough!" I shout at the two when Alibaba makes a move to scream at Hakuryuu again. Both look at me in surprise as I walk up to them calmly. I grab both of them by the wrist and yank them down to my height. "We can't talk about this here. Not around all these people," I hiss softly to them. With that, I pull them from the crowd and towards a secluded area. Morgiana and Aladdin are quick to follow us.

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