Chapter 10

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Amir's Pov

"I heard that Balbadd is going to become a republic," I hear a voice from the crowds. My eyes widen slightly when I realize that it is Cassim. "And so, the country that was with a King will be evenly divided among the citizens of the country. But, putting it that way, aren't you just cheating us? This land will be divided and given to the people? Every bit of this country was built from the blood and sweat of the citizens. Doesn't that mean that the country was ours to begin with? Whose idea was it for us to be swallowed up by a useless government?" Cassim turns to the people around him. "Don't you remember? Those days when everything was stolen from us during the heavy taxation. We had no food, our parents and siblings died. If monarchy disappears, does that also mean that the sins of the royalty disappear with it? There's no way it could disappear!" He points his blade at Alibaba as he screams. "As I thought, the royalty and those related are all enemies that we have to cut down!"

"Yes," The people begin to mutter.

"Even if Balbadd subscribes to republicanism, my daughter won't return," A woman speaks.

"Let's punish the royalty, nobility and the army, who stole our country from us!" Cassim yells. The people begin to cheer with him.

"Impossible!" Father says. I look at him in confusion. Is this what the Banker was talking about?


"Aladdin." I slowly open my eyes as I hear someone my name. "Welcome back Aladdin... to the Holy Palace." I stare at the head of Ugo in shock.

"Ugo?" I tilt my head.

"That's right. Can you stand me up please?" He asks the strange creatures around him. "I made these guys. Since you weren't here it became very quiet." I nod slightly before looking at my hands.

"I died right?" He chuckles softly.

"Don't worry Aladdin. You haven't died. Its just that your rukh transported yourself here. Your body is still alive. But, it's not safe. Because of such recklessness, you really could have died," He lightly scolds me. "I would have liked to bring that other Magi along as well, but as I thought, it's impossible," He frowns deeply. "There was a hindrance," He looks to me and begins to smile softly. "Come here, Aladdin." I walk up to where his head rests and the creatures are supporting him. "Do you remember? On a whim you left here to go on a journey. Following my wish, you went on a journey to search for metal vessels. You met djinn and the masters of djinn and always seemed to be guided. I didn't teach you anything. You cannot travel spontaneously because the flow has become broken. Life is born and it lives within the flow. To move forward, one must accept that. That is rukh's guidance and that is fate."

"Fate?" I whisper softly. He nods, smiling at me like I never left.

"However, on the surface there are people who try to go against it. The degeneration of evolution, existence becoming nothing, and for everything to become their negative. That is what it means to go against it and that is falling into depravity. And, at that time, the rukh were dyed black. Moreover, you two Magi were both equal. Just like you, I was surprised when a Magi dyed in black stood before you. At that time, you should have died since they've changed fate, but I opposed that. I used up all of the magoi that my master had left for me. You gave me your magoi as well, but I am not your djinn. Though your power is a copy of my masters, it was impossible for me to use it. I couldn't protect you anymore. That's why with the last of the power in the flute, I called you here because I have something important to give you."

"What is it?" I ask him. He just shakes his head at me before he continues to talk.

"Look. As it now, your chosen King shall perish. However, that is not the original flow. The darkness produced by going against fate is what is causing this. It should not be in this world. Even if people used all their strength, they would not be up to the task when the world turns black. To cut through and dispel the darkness, a power will be needed. That's right, a miracle! That is the Magi's mission! However, for that, you have to go to a certain place." The creatures move towards me, wrapping me up in a ball of light. Slowly my eyes begin to close. "For you to understand the world, fate, and yourself. Once you've finished you will have procured my Master Solomon's wisdom." they begin to lift me into the air and towards the large door that leads out of here. I slowly open my eyes to look around.

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