Chapter 18

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Amir's Pov

"What is this!?" Alibaba shouts.

"Those trees are people from the Toran village," Zagan smiles happily as he looks over the trees. All I can do is stare wide eyed at the trees in silence. How could Zagan do this? "Just look. They all became young trees! Zagan is the djinn in charge of the power of Earth. With that magic, I can manipulate the plants of the labyrinth, making them parasitic in humans. Then the roots absorb magoi from the humans and the labyrinth creatures are born! What do you think? Cute, right? But, don't worry, they won't die! They're useful to me. The human's filthy lives are nourishment for my dungeon," Zagan explains to us. His happy smile never once leaves his face.

"What a terrible thing to do!" Morgiana shouts.

"I'm sure that girl's parents are here too," Aladdin says sorrowfully. At the mention of her parents, the girl in Zagan's hand begins to cry again. I watch as Alibaba lunges towards a tree, trying to pull the human away from its trunk. "It's useless Alibaba! Pulling them won't help!" Aladdin rushes forward to stop him. "The only way to bring them back to normal is to use magic."

"Only magic!?" Alibaba frowns deeply towards Aladdin in frustration.

"Yam told me. She said that in magic, there are frightening techniques that transform humans into other things. But that's done with a complicated formula. I don't understand why, but only the person who cast this magic can return them to their original state!"

"Then let's head to the treasury!" Alibaba says in determination. "There, we'll make Zagan reverse his magic, even if it's by force!"

"Are you saying that we're going to fight Zagan?" Morgiana asks him.

"That's right! We don't have the time to think about conquering this dungeon anymore. We have to fight and save the people of the village!" Alibaba turns to Hakuryuu. "Hakuryuu, you're okay with this too, right?"

"Yes," Hakuryuu says, nodding his head in agreement. Alibaba nods before looking up to where Zagan's voice comes from.

"Wait for us, Zagan. We will stop this atrocity with our strength!" Alibaba declares. The four march forward, defeating everything that Zagan throws at them. Soon they arrive to the room where Zagan, the girl, and I are waiting for them. I struggle against the vines holding me down when I see my friends.

"Release the villagers immediately, Zagan!" Alibaba points his blade at him. "Or we'll put an end to your jokes!"

"Try it, but I don't think you can," Zagan smirks at him.

"Bastard!" Alibaba screams as he summons Amon's sword. He runs forward, jumping high into the air as he nears Zagan. Amon's sword easily cuts Zagan's head clean off his shoulders.

"He died that easily!?" Hakuryuu gasps in shock. Before anyone else can react, vines shoot from Zagan's neck and attach his head back to where it belongs.

"Die? Me? Ha," Zagan begins to laugh. "I pity you. You don't know this dungeon's absolute rule."

"Rule?" Alibaba questions. Zagan points his finger to a spot behind Alibaba and the ground begins to crack. Vines shoot high into the air and begin to form into multiple large bodies. My eyes widen in horror when I notice that they are all Zagan.

"The djinn is the absolute ruler of the dungeon. That's why no matter how much you struggle you cannot ever kill a djinn inside of his dungeon!" The multiple Zagan's begin to attack the four. Alibaba keeps slicing at the bodies but they continue to grow back effortlessly.

"S-Shit!" Alibaba exclaims, jumping back to dodge an attack.

"It's useless! Zagan is the djinn of the Earth! I can restore myself as many times as I want thanks to the nutrients in the soil of this dungeon!" Zagan grins madly at them. From the corner of my eye I notice Hakuryuu is sneaking closer to me while Zagan is distracted. He doesn't make it to me though. I cry out through the vines as Alibaba and Hakuryuu are both thrown back into the walls.

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