Chapter 27

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Amir's Pov

I can't help but to smirk when Aladdin creates three copies of Ugo. Qamar gasps beside me at the sight of the giant jinn.

"What!?" Everyone shouts in a panic. Aladdin and Ugo simply ignore everyone, facing their opponents. Ugo swiftly swings his arm and it connects with the Finalists. It knocks them back a couple of yards, but the three don't lose their footing.

"What the hell are those?" They question, staring up at the giants. Suddenly the giants roar, nearly knocking everyone out of the sky and everyone on the ground barely stay standing.

"W-What is this!?" Titus shouts from beside me. "The rukh is giving Aladdin magoi!? Could it really be? Aladdin is...!?"

"He is," I nod slightly. Everyone stares at me wide eyed before looking back to Aladdin.

"Chancellor!" Aladdin speaks. "I don't think you are suitable as a King of this world. But I also know the Magicians of this country are people who want to live no matter what. I'm sure if you work with other people to contribute to the wisdom of this world, you will find a better way of doing things! This country, Magnoshutatt, has its heart consumed with hatred, and, as such, it cannot be allowed to become one with the rest of the world. Otherwise, it will certainly go out of control! And I will stop such a thing!" The rukh surges around him as he shouts. The Finalists gather around one another, talking quietly amongst themselves before the one with long hair speaks.

"You are not Yunan," He says, pointing his sword at Aladdin.

"You know Yunan?" Aladdin tilts his head slightly.

"Yes. I met him once. According to what I heard there can be only three Magi in this world. In that case, you are the Magi of the Kou Empire. Did you infiltrate Magnoshutatt as a preparation for the war against Laem?"

"I am not Judal or any other Magi," Aladdin calmly answers.

"In any case, I will remove all obstacles against Laem!" He shouts, rushing forward to attack Aladdin. One of the giants takes the blow, successfully protecting Aladdin. The rest of the Finalists bolt forward to help their commander fight against the giants. They also begin to use their metal vessels, but all of their attacks prove to be useless against the sand giants.

"Incredible. They are totally ignoring the Finalists attacks! Their attacks are strong, but their range is narrow and those giants are too big!" Shouts one of the Magicians. Slowly, Aladdin begins to raise his staff and with it the right hands of the three giants also raise. I watch wide eyed as Aladdin channels his magoi into each of the giants and begins to cast a spell.

"Har-Har Infigar!" Aladdin shouts. Flames cover the sky in an instant, completely blocking out the sky all the way to the ocean.

"T-That was a warning shot that went all the way to the coast!" People begin to shout.

"Those giants are amazing," Sphintus says in awe. "No Aladdin! How did he completely turn things around!?"

"Aladdin has always been able to do such things," I smile at Sphintus.

"If you were just a strong Magician who interferes with that overwhelming magic power in a war among fellow humans and kills all the soldiers in the Laem's army. You would not be any different from that guy called Mogamett, right!? Aladdin!" Aladdin doesn't falter for a moment.

"I will put an end to this war without letting a single life return to the rukh!" Aladdin declares. I shake my head but smile faintly. It's just like him to say something like that.

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