Bonus Chapter #1

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Amir's Pov

I turn around to look back at Aladdin, glaring slightly as I do. He doesn't even seem to care that I'm moving into a different room. He's too busy with his new friends to even remember me at this point. I sigh in defeat before I continue walking to my new room, my shoulders slumped as I do. Soon I arrive to the room and I knock on the door.

"One moment!" The voice of a young boy calls out. I faintly hear him stand and walk towards the door. "Can I help you?" He asks as he opens the door, frowning slightly in confusion while he looks me over.

"Ah.. I'm your new roommate.." I nervously smile at him.

"Oh, right. Come on in," He smiles tightly at me. I nod, walking into the room with my single bag of belongings. "I'm Qamar Y-.." He coughs, seeming flustered. "Qamar Khoury," He offers his hand for me to shake. I take his hand, slightly confused. His rukh.. says he's lying..?

"I'm Prince Amir of Sindria," I introduce myself. His hand instantly tightens on my own, causing me to wince slightly.

"Prince..?" He asks in a low voice. I nod slightly, confused by this sudden change in attitude. He growls slightly and lets go of my hand as if it burned him. I frown deeply.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Just that you're a disgusting Prince," He snarls at me. "Why the fuck would they force me to live with someone like you?" My eyes widen in shock and disbelief.


"Stay the fuck away from me," He then walks away, back to where I assume his bed is. He flops down on it, completely ignoring my presence. I stare at him for a minute, completely bewildered. Slowly I come back to my senses and shut the door then begin to look for my bed. I finally run into it, nearly falling on it as I do. I huff slightly in frustration before sitting down on it. I glance at my new roommate, only to see him look away from me quickly. He was watching me struggle.. I shake my head and decide to deal with this later on.

~Two Weeks Later~

"Out of my way," Qamar growls, bumping roughly into my shoulder as he pushes me aside. I stumble into the wall.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I finally snap. I grab his wrist, forcing him to stop and look at me. Surprisingly he doesn't put up much of a fight. He looks me in the eye, glaring as coldly as he can.

"You," He simply states. I frown, my grip loosening. He quickly snatches his wrist back before walking away. I look down to the ground, clenching my fists tightly before I carry on with my day.

"Amir!" I hear my name called out during lunch. I look over to see Aladdin happily waving at me. I relax, smiling softly as I make my way towards him.

"Aladdin," I greet him. "It feels like it's been months,"

"Really?" He tilts his head. My smile fades sightly at this, but I manage to keep it up. "Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I have to get to class. Bye!" He says as he runs off. I watch him go before sitting down by myself. Is this how things are going to be from now on? If so.. then why did I even come here? I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I soon decide to skip my meal and head back to my room for some much needed studying. When I get there I'm quick to notice Qamar is here as well, which causes me to sigh.

"What are you doing back here so soon?" He glares at me. I look at him blankly before moving to sit on my bed. I set my bag beside me, pulling my books out to prepare to study before I realize that I no longer can. Aladdin would always help me study since I can't read the books myself. I lower my head and throw the books aside. "What the hell?" Qamar jumps at the loud sound it causes. "Stop-" He cuts himself off when he looks at me. I keep my head lowered, my shoulders shaking as I try not to break down. "Umm.." He trails off.

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