Chapter 14

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Amir's Pov

~~The Next Morning~~

"Alibaba!" I hear my father call from behind us. We all stop to look at him. "I have something to tell you. It's about the Kou Empire. During the negotiations, I took a request from the Empire. That is, to make one of their prince's study abroad in Sindria. That prince will be here soon. It is an arrangement for the friendship of both countries. He is the prince of the country that occupied Balbadd, so it could be difficult for you. But for now, I want you to carefully supervise him." We all silently stare at him in shock.

"Yes," Alibaba finally nods in agreement. My father simply nods back before leaving.

"A Prince from the Kou Empire," Aladdin says softly.

"I wonder what kind of person he is," Morgiana speaks softly.

"I suppose we will find out soon," I say, frowning a little. "Come on, let's go. There's no point in worrying about it." I begin to walk towards the training grounds again. The three silently follow me to the private training ground.

"So, Amir, have you ever met anyone from the Kou Empire?" Alibaba asks as we all sit in the grass. I shake my head before looking towards him.

"No. I've only ever been to Balbadd," I sigh softly, laying back into the grass.

"Oh," He mumbles. Silence quickly takes over us again, leaving us all to our thoughts. I can't help but to think back to last night. No one seemed to notice that I could see. To be honest, I'm actually relieved. I was scared of what everyone would say to me if they knew I've been hiding this from them for so long. But even though no one has said anything, I can't help but to worry about it. What if someone did figure it out, but just didn't speak up? Hinahoho, Ja'far, Masrur, anyone could have noticed. I groan softly, covering my face with my hands. I think I rushed into this. I'm not ready.

"Amir?" Aladdin questions, scooting closer to me. I slowly uncover my face to look at him. I can barely make out the worry on his face. I frown a little again at this. I know I've gotten better at seeing the rukh but lately I've been able to make out things I never thought I would be able to see. Before all I could see were the outlines of people and other living things. After I met Aladdin, my ability has grown stronger. Now I can see farther than I ever have before. I can see if people are lying, if they're feeling a strong emotion, and now I can faintly make out people's expressions. "Amir," Aladdin nearly shouts as he shakes me. I snap out of my thoughts, staring at him wide eyed.

"U-Uh... yeah?" I stutter lightly when I notice how close our faces are.

"You really spaced out there. Are you okay?" He worries. I notice Alibaba and Morgiana moved closer to check on me. I continue to just stare at them all in confusion before looking down to my lap.

"I'm fine," I shrug a little. "I've just had a few things on my mind lately."

"Like what?" Morgiana surprises me by speaking up.

"Um... nothing important," I look up to smile at them in reassurance. I'm not ready to tell anyone else yet.

"Okay... if you say so," Alibaba frowns lightly at me.

"Hey, why don't we train a little bit?" I stand up, dragging Aladdin up with me. "We can have a duel," I grin, actually feeling a little excited. Everyone quickly agrees, eager for something to do.

"But what about you Amir?" Alibaba asks.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head a little in confusion.

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