Bonus Chapter #3

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Naji's Pov

"Come on Amir!" Lord Sinbad whines. "A few drinks won't kill you."

"Why do you want me to drink with you so badly?" Amir asks, his arms crossed as he glares at his father.

"Let's just say that it's my way of saying thank you for all your hard work," Lord Sinbad grins widely. I shake my head at the scene in front of me. Lord Sinbad is being even needier than usual.

"Fine.. but only if Naji can join us," Amir turns to me, giving me an evil smirk.

"That's a great idea!" Lord Sinbad nods. He walks forward, grabbing our arms and tugging us to a private sitting area outside. I silently glare at Amir and pull my old brown scarf up to hide more of my face.

"Don't give me that look," Amir chuckles lightly, his bright purple eyes full of joy. I give in at the sight of him being so happy.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumble in defeat.

"Okay! Let's drink!" Lord Sinbad pushes us into a seat. I see that all the generals are here and quickly look down. I've never been good around more than a few people at a time.

"Alright.. just one though," Amir takes one of the glasses. I don't move to take one. There's no way I'm letting them get me drunk.

"Ew," Amir mumbles, scrunching his nose up at the taste. My face begins to turn a little red at the sight.

"Just keep drinking it. It'll start to taste better," Sharrkan gives him a lopsided grin. Half of the generals are clearly already drunk. I watch as Amir finishes his glass in a few quick gulps.

"There happy?" He mumbles, putting the empty glass down.

"Nope!" Yamuraiha giggles, pushing another drink to her student. Amir doesn't put a fight this time and is quick to finish off his new drink. By time he puts the cup down his cheeks are red and he's smiling widely.

"You were right.. it does start to taste better," Amir laughs, grabbing another drink. I watch wide eyed as he finishes off the drink and grabs for another.

"Okay.. I think that's enough for you," I quickly take his cup away.

"Whaa!? Why!?" Amir whines and weakly tries to take the cup back.

"You're already drunk, Amir," I sigh at him. "Let's get you back to your room." I blush a little as he gives me his best pout and crosses his arms.

"Fine," He huffs. He goes to stand up but only manages to stumble forward and into my chest. I quickly wrap my arms around his smaller frame.

"I can't believe you got drunk so easily," I shake my head at him. He just laughs it off and tries to walk again. I grab him before he can fall and help him down the halls towards his room.

"Don't leave," Amir whines softly, tugging my arm as he opens his door. I give him a look of annoyance but I follow him inside nonetheless. As soon as the door closes he whirls around, pushing me into it firmly. I stare down at him wide eyed. He could barely walk a second ago.. where did this burst of strength come from?

"Naji.." He breathes, laying his head on my shoulder. His grip tightens on my wrists a little, but not enough to hurt me.

"Amir?" I question, trying to gently push him off of me.

"I.. I really like you," He leans back, giving me a toothy grin. My eyes go wide and my body completely stills. I don't even think I'm breathing at this point. All I can do is stare at him in shock. "I really really do.." He pulls my scarf off and leans forward, crashing our lips together painfully. I grunt softly and the pain snaps me out of it. I quickly push him off and he stumbles backwards.

"Oww," Amir whines drunkenly when he lands on the floor. "Naji.." He raises his arms up, wanting me to help him. I swallow thickly as I watch him. He kissed me.. he said he likes me.. but he's drunk. He would never say such a thing if he was sober. He must be a flirty drunk or something.. he has to be..

"Here," I sigh softly after a moment of staring at him. I hold my hands out for him to take. He does so and grins thankfully at me. After struggling for god knows how long, I finally get him to lay down and sleep. I walk away from his sleeping form as quietly as I can.

~Next Morning~

I can't stop thinking about it. The kiss.. how his lips felt on mine. It may have hurt a little, but it still felt amazing. I've wanted to kiss him for as long as I can remember.. and now it's finally happened, but he was drunk. I groan, holding my head. Why? Why did he have to be drunk?

"I got to ask him," I abruptly sit up. Some drunks act on how they really feel.. so maybe he meant what he said. I smile faintly at the thought, at the hope growing inside of me. With that I quickly make my way to his room, not even bothering to knock as I enter.

"Naji..?" Amir groans, holding his head and squinting his eyes at the light. I smile at how cute he looks.

"It's me," I chuckle lightly, walking up to him. I thought I would be a bit more nervous than this, but I'm not. I don't feel like I have a reason to be nervous and why would I? Amir and I grew up together and have been best friends since we met. Even if he doesn't have any romantic feelings for me, we will always be best friends.

"What the hell happened?" He flops back down onto his pillows.

"Well you wouldn't stop drinking," I shrug. "I guess you ended up liking the taste."

"I guess.." He sighs, finally opening his bright purple eyes to look at me. "Did I do anything stupid?" I open my mouth to answer, but choke on the words. Amir notices my hesitation and groans again. "I did, didn't I?"

"Y-Yeah.." I finally answer, looking at my lap. My cheeks are already burning and I haven't even told him what happened.

"Tell me.."

"You.. you said something to me last night.." I glance at him, seeing his eyes are wide.

"O-Oh?" He shutters.

"You said you liked me.. and then you kissed me," I say softly. Amir practically chokes on air and quickly sits up.

"W-What!?" I watch him blankly as he spits out excuse after excuse before he suddenly stops. He looks at me closely before sagging in defeat. "You don't believe a thing I just said, huh?"

"Nope. It's easy to tell when you're lying," I smile lightly at him and take his hand in my own. He looks at our hands, blushing brightly.

"It's true.." He whispers. "I do like you.. I like you a lot." I can't help but to grin widely at him. He looks at me in confusion, tilting his head a little.

"Amir.." I gently cup his face. "I really like you too," I whisper, leaning in a little. He lightly gasps, staring at me with big eyes.

"Then.. then prove it," His eyes dart down to my lips before looking me in the eye again. I smirk at his challenge.

"That seems easy enough." I lean down, tilting his head back as I gently press my lips against his. He kisses me back shyly, reaching up to wrap his arms around my neck. I sigh in delight against his lips. His lips are soft.. their perfect.. just like him.

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