Chapter 7

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Amir's Pov

"So, you're finally going to tell them about the Kou Empire?" I question my father as I walk beside him to meet up with Morgiana and Alibaba. I had just left Aladdin's room. I stayed with him all night again, but he never moved nor made a sound.

"Yes," He nods. "They need to know." I stay silent the rest of the way. Soon Father and I are taking our seats across from the two.

"You said you would explain in full detail," Morgiana says. Right down to business it seems. My father agrees with her before he begins to explain.

"The Kou Empire is a country that has been displaying quite a bit of power recently. A militaristic country that reigns over the central plains. Although it was just a small country in the East not too long ago, it only took them a small amount of time to take control of the entire central plains. Although we can't just turn a blind eye to such ruthlessness, I now know one of the reasons for the ruthlessness like we saw yesterday."

"What is it?" Alibaba asks.

"The Kou Empire's Magi, Judal."

"Umm... I'm sorry, but may I ask what actually a Magi is?" Morgiana hesitantly asks.

"I want to know that too," Alibaba nods.

"Amir, would you like to explain this for me?" Father asks. I look up at him in surprise before I nod.

"Alright," I turn back to Alibaba and Morgiana. "Another name for Magi is the magician that shapes the world. They are able to control the rukh of the world by using magoi. But, the power of a Magi that we are most familiar with is the power to summon dungeons and to lead people in there. There are many different powers that you can find in dungeons. Magic incantations, magical items, as well as metal vessels. The Magi will bestow these items to the people he or she leads into the dungeon. Those who have been given the power of the dungeons, as well as the people around them, will rise to fame and glory with the aid of the Magi."

"So, is it the same for Sinbad, too?" Alibaba looks to my father.

"No, I'm different," He smiles. "I used my own strength to conquer the dungeons that were summoned by Judal. Because of that I have clashed with that troublesome guy a couple of times before. In any case, even with exceptions such as myself, the reason why the Kou Empire has risen to such power and glory is no doubt because of Judal. Judal said it before that he's using his strength as a Magi to help the Kou Empire. He has sent various people into dungeons that he summoned making the Kou Empire a rarely seen large and powerful empire in this era. Also, they seem to have no intentions on stopping their powerful invasion."

"You're saying..." Alibaba trails off.

"That's right. The country they are eyeing right now is the Kingdom of Balbadd." Father confirms his thoughts. "Actually, since a long time ago, the Kou Empire has always been using their military influence to suppress Balbadd's economy. After that, they waited for the Kingdom's power to diminish to as to ensure Balbadd uses juan for their finances. What they can use isn't only their military's strength but also the guy that has been completely manipulated by them which is Ahbmad Saluja. That guy has been deceived by the flowery lies of the Kou Empire and has been pushing the country into its current state. Losing its land, losing its rights, and now he is even planning to sell the citizens as slaves. This is what we currently have to think about. We need a plan to solve this approaching major problem."

"Then our enemies are the Kou Empire and Ahbmad Saluja, right?" Morgiana asks.

"Ah, you can put it like that." Morgiana and Alibaba both stand and head to the door.

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