Bonus Chapter #2

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Amir's Pov

I gaze at the rukh of all my close friends. I can't help but to smile at them all and cuddle closer to Aladdin. It's been four years since Aladdin went to the sacred palace to stop my father. Ever since then the world has been at peace. It was a bit shaky at first, but everyone worked together to settle things without any more bloodshed.

Shortly after Aladdin had stopped my father, we left to travel the world together. We had decided that we wanted to travel around to help anyone who needed guidance. We only recently came home from our travels to visit our old friends.

I look towards Alibaba and Morgiana, watching them cuddle close together in front of the fire. All night they have been telling us about the four years we have missed. It turns out that they had gotten married three years ago and now have a baby girl. I couldn't believe it when they told us. Both Aladdin and I were beyond happy for them.

Next I look towards Judal and Hakuryuu. I chuckle softly to myself when I notice that they are awkwardly holding each other's hands. Judal asked Hakuryuu out two years ago and since then they have been dating. Even though it's been two years, they are still very shy about being affectionate around other people. I think how they act is rather cute.

"Hey, Amir," I slowly look up to see Aladdin smiling softly at me. "You okay? You spaced out there."

"I'm okay. I'm perfect actually," I smile back at him. He grins now, leaning down to kiss me softly. This never gets old. It's been five years since we started dating and had our first kiss, but it still feels amazing. I always get butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounds wildly when he kisses me.

"Hey guys, Hakuryuu and I are going to go for a walk," Judal says, standing up. Hakuryuu looks confused but still agrees with his lover. "The moon is perfect tonight and I'd like some alone time with my boyfriend," Judal smirks, sending a wink towards Hakuryuu. I hear Hakuryuu suck in a sharp breath and his rukh turns bright pink. Everyone laughs lightly at this.

"Well have fun Hakuryuu!" Alibaba grins widely at him.

"W-What!? N-No!" Hakuryuu shutters badly in embarrassment. Judal just laughs at this and begins to drag him away.

"Judal is the same as always," I comment with a amused smile.

"Yeah, he hasn't really changed that much," Alibaba grins at me. "But what about you guys? You haven't told us about your trip."

"Yeah, Aladdin. Tell us," Morgiana demands, a small smile gracing her lips.

"It was amazing," Aladdin grins back at them. "We met so many people and saw a lot of new things." I nod in agreement.

"I saw outlines of things I've never dreamed of before. It was all beautiful," I say softly. They nod and continue to listen as we tell them story after story.

"Maybe we should go travel sometime Morgiana," Alibaba looks at his wife.

"We should," She agrees. "But we will have to wait until Zaina is older." She turns back to Aladdin and I. "So you two seem closer than before. Is that thanks to your trip?"

"Yeah," Aladdin nods happily. "We definitely got a lot closer over these past few years," He looks down at me, smirking a little. I stare at him wide eyed, blushing a little.

"Oh!" Alibaba begins to snicker to himself. "How so?" Morgiana is quick to hit him in the arm. Aladdin and I laugh loudly as he yelps and falls off the log they are sitting on. My laughter is cut short when I notice someones rukh fluttering closer to us from behind.

My eyes go wide in horror when I realize what is about to happen. This rukh is black as night, screaming for blood. I move before I could even speak. I grab Aladdin, shielding his body with my own.

"Look out!" I shout, putting my borg up to help protect us. I cry out when my borg breaks and ice pierces into my back. For a moment, I don't feel anything at all, but then I cough. I watch in horror as my blood splatters onto Aladdin's cheek. Aladdin's eyes are wide with disbelief and shock. My body begins to tremble before falling limply into Aladdin's lap. I faintly notice that I'm bleeding and that the ground under me is wet with something.

"A-Amir!" I slowly look up to see Aladdin is crying.

"Why are you crying?" I try to ask, but it comes out as a soft whisper.

"Judal!" I hear someone scream. I think it was Alibaba, but I can't be sure.. What's happening to me?

"Amir, stay awake!" I hear Aladdin call for me again. I slowly open my eyes, looking up at him. I can't make out his outline anymore. It's all a blur. Why? What's going on?

"A-Aladdin.." I try to whisper, but it comes out as a whimper of pain. It hits me then. Pain. I'm bleeding. I'm dying. I begin to cough again, choking on the blood that pools from my mouth. I can barely feel Aladdin gather me in his shaking arms and sit me up in his lap.

"It's going to be okay Amir," Aladdin chants in my ear, tucking his head in the crook of my neck. I faintly notice that he began to rock us. "Y-You'll be just fine," His voice cracks harshly.

"Aladdin," I call for him softly. He pulls back slightly to look at me. "I-I'm.." I swallow hard and tears begin to sting my eyes. "I'm going to die.." I whisper, silently crying. Aladdin's shaking body freezes. I weakly raise my hand up and set it on his cheek. "I'm sorry.." I choke out.

"No!" Aladdin suddenly screams at me. I don't have it in me to flinch at his tone. "You won't die! You can't die!" I gently rub my thumb over his cheek, trying my best to wipe away his tears.

"I love you.. so so much. I-I.." I begin to cough again. "I.. don't regret giving my life for you," I whisper. My voice grows weaker and weaker with every word.

"D-Don't say stuff like that! You're going to be fine!" He continues to cry, burying his head in my neck again. My hand falls limply to my side and the rukh begins to fade from my vision.

"It's.. so black.." I whisper, crying a little harder. "Y-Your rukh.. where.." My voice fades off as my body no longer has the strength to talk. My eyes fall closed and my body completely stills. Why can't I talk? Why can't I move?

"No!" I hear a ear piercing scream. "Don't leave me.. don't leave me.." I keep hearing over and over. Who is that? I think it's someone very important.. I can't remember anymore.. Everything is so black..

"Oh Aladdin!" I hear another voice sing. The chanting comes to an abrupt stop.

"Don't worry Amir.. We'll be together again soon.." Is the last thing I hear before everything disappears.


Zaina – lovely, pretty

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