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Jimin's POV
I woke up and tried to stand up but ended up falling. "Ouw! My butt hurts" i grunted. I heard Jeongguk laughing and i got angry so i huffed and crossed my arms. "Shut up Jeongguk this is your fucking fault" i spatted and pouted, he just chuckled and got out of bed and carried me bridal style.

We went downstairs and he sat me gently at the couch. "I'll get you something to eat just stay here" Jeongguk smiled, i nodded.

I waited for Jeongguk to finish cooking. After 20 minutes he came back with tray of food. He put it in the table and fed me.

"Thank you Ggukie" i smiled while eating, he smiled back "Anything for you baby". I finished eating and Jeongguk helped me to go upstairs and went to change to go to me and Jihyun's house.


We arrived at my house and Jeongguk carried me and rang the doorbell. We heard footsteps and somebody opened the door, it was Yoongi. He was confused as to why is Jeongguk carrying me but smiled. We walk- i mean Jeongguk carried me to the living room and saw the gang.

Why are they here?

Jeongguk made me sat gently and he sat beside me. I greeted them "Hi guys" i smiled, they smiled back "Hi Jimin and Jeongguk *smiles*. Anyways Jeongguk why are you carrying Jimin?" Jin asked. Jeongguk smirked and looked at me, i gulped "His but hurts because he was sleeping in the wrong direction" he said containing his laugh. I sighed in relief. "Oh okay" Jin said. I tried to stand up but ended up falling, i heard Jeongguk laughing out loud, Jihyun carried me and made me sat.

You're gonna regret this Jeongguk.

Jeongguj is still laughing so the next thing i know is hit his arm really hard. "Yah! Why did you hit me?!" Jeongguk asked angrily while rubbing his arm, i stuck my tounge out "I hate you. I'm not gonna talk to you" i huffed and puffed, "Fine then" he said.

Fine if that's what you want.

I tried to stand up slowly and sat beside Hoseok and Jin. I saw Jeongguk looking at me but i didn't look at him. I continued chatting with the others except Jeongguk. He tries to talk to me but i ignored it.

Jeongguk's POV
I really messed up i shouldn't laughed at him because it was my fault but he liked it. I sighed, suddenly i had an idea!

Why won't i flirt with him and get clingy to him? Omg that's a great idea!

I stood up and told Jin to move aside and Jin did what i told him. I sat beside Jimin, he was shocked that i was sitting next to him but he still ignores me.

Jimin's POV
I was shocked when Jeongguk sat beside me but i still ignored him. Next thing i know he hugged my waist and swaying us side to side. "I'm sorry i won't laugh at you anymore" he whispered to my ear. I blushed but nodded "I forgive you" i whispered back, "I love you" he whispered again, "I love you too" i whispered too. He released me into the hug and just stayed beside me.

We weir chatting happily until Hoseok called me "Jimin-ah can you come with me? I want to ask you something privately", i nodded and excused myself to the others.

Me and Hoseok went to the balcony and sat there. I was shocked when he ask me the question

"Are you and Jungkook did it together?"


Omg sorry for the first cliffhanger😂. Stay tuned!

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