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Jimin's POV
I arrived at Jeongguk's company and opened the door. I saw the receptionist so i walked towards there. The woman looked at me "Hello Sir! How may i help you?" She smiled gladly "Hello too! I just want to meet up with Jeon Jeongguk" i said as i looked around "Do you have an appointment with Mr. Jeon?" She asked and i shook my head "No but i need to meet him he's my boyfriend" i said as i looked at her while typing something at the computer "Let me just call Mr. Jeon" she said as she took the telephone. Suddenly i heard Jeongguk's voice on the other side. After 5 minutes the girl hung up and looked at me "Mr. Park you may come to Mr. Jeon's office its in the 10th floor rm. 08" i smiled and nodded "Thank you. May i know your name?" I said as i search for a nametag "My name is Kim Jisoo" i smiled and waved at her "Bye Jisoo-ssi" i walked towards the elevator and pushed the 10th button.

It took 2 minutes to come up. But after that i walked out of the elevator and searched for rm. 8. I soon found it and knocked on the door. I heard a 'come in' so i opened the door to be greeted by a hot and handsome boyfie in his suit with the 1st 2 buttons that are opened and a loose tie. I bit my bottom lip and sat on his lap, he was shocked but grinned after "Hi daddy" i smiled flirtatiously and pecked his lips. He smirked "Hi Jimin" he said in a husky, deep tone "What are you doing here by the way?" He asked as he placed his arm in my waist "I'm bored~" i whined and tugged his sleeve. He hugged me and kissed me in my lips. I happily kissed back. We kissed like it seemed forever but we were interrupted by a knock on a door. We pulled away and Jeongguk shouted "Come in!" The door opened revealing 2 womans with a clipboard and coffee. They were shocked that i am sitting at Jeongguk's lap but i don't care. The girl with a clipboard spoke "Mr. Jeon your sister will be here at 2pm" the girl said whilst looking at Jeongguk's unbottoned sleeve. I glared at the girl and covered it by leaning at his chest. The girl with the cofee walked towards the table and placed the coffee there but she just have to bend over to see the cleavage. I gagged "Thank you Maine and Loise" Jeongguk smiled a little. I still gagged. The girl that i assumed named Loise stuck her boobs out and i really am jealous "Daddy!" I whined and looked at Jeongguk. He arched an eyebrow "Yes baby?" He asked. I didn't answer instead i kissed his lips roughly, he kissed back with much force. I heard the two girls huffed and closed the door. I pulled away, panting "Thanks Ggukie" i smiled and pecked his nose "Why...did...you...do...that?" He asked shook "There stucking there boobs oit for you" i sighed angrily "Baby don't worry i'm used to them. I just ignore them" i still pouted "But that Loise girl just had to stick that plastic boobs" i said and he laughed "Oh baby" he shook his head and chuckled "By the way my appointment is this tuesday" i said as i looked at my phone "Sure baby" i smiled and stood up "I'll go now Ggukie byeee!" I pecked his lips and i walked out. I went to the elevator again and pushed the 1st floor.

As i got down i saw Maine and Loise talking to each other. When they saw me they glared at me. I looked at them up and down. They walked towards me and smirked "Well would you look at that! It's the boy who kissed our Jeongguk" Maine smirked "What are you gonna do about it? *crossed arms and arched eyebrow* he's my boyfriend" i confidentaly smirked not forgetting to look at them straight in the eye "your so funny! What a nice joke" Loise laughed sarcastically. I laughed sarcastically too "oooh baby good thing you laughed at my joke but your face is more funnier" i laughed

Author's POV
Maine and Loise was angry so they pushed Jimin in the floor abd everybody on the company gasped. Jimin winced "Would you guys stop being jealous?!" Jimin angrily said and clenched his fists. Maine smirked and looked at Loise and she smirked too. When Jimin was about to stand up they kicked Jimin infront of many people. Jimin winced and tears were forming in his eyes but that just made the two girls laughed evilly and still kicked him and pulled his hair really hard. Jimin cried "PLEASE HELP!" He cried. The others want to help but Loise just had to threaten them "One step closer and you will be just like that boy!" Loise yelled while Maine just keep on hurting Jimin. He has a bruise on his cheek already but he's protecting his belly for protection. They stopped and Jimin sighed in relief "Do you guys believe that this is Mr. Jeon's boyfriend?!" Maine shouted and point to Jimin, the boy is still crying and balling his eyes out "Please....help me...." Jimin whispered while crying. Somebody shouted "THAT'S MR. JEON'S BOYFRIEND!" An employee shouted. The two girls growled "Oh honey that's just pathetic. Mr. Jeon is straight and he likes me and Loise" Maine laughed. They were going to hit Jimin but was stop by a familiar voice "STOP!!!" Jeongguk walk towards Jimin amd saw him all bruised up. He touched Jimin and Jimin's belly "Baby are you okay?" He asked "G-ggukie" Jimin whispered. Jeongguk got really really angry and he stood up with cold face and looked at Maine and Loise "What the fuck are you two doing to Jimin?!" Jeongguk shouted while glaring at the two "W-well he's saying he's your boyfriend" Loise stuttered but didn't show his nervousness "DON'T EVER DO THIS TO MY BABY?! YOU TWO WILL BE FUCKING FIRED IN MY COMPANY?! OUT NOW?!" Jeogguk shouted and the two girls glared at Jimin and went out crying.

Jimin's POV
I never seen Jeongguk that angry. I was shivering but he carried me to the car and went straight to the car. Jeongguk held my hand "I'm fine Jeongguk no need to go to the hospital" i smiled weakly "No your not fine baby! Look what they did to you!" He stopped and pointed at the bruises in my face. I sobbed "B-but i-i'm fine" i cried and curled myself. Jeongguk looked at me "Baby are you fine?" He asked. I nodded

Jeongguk's POV
I looked at Jimin and he was sucking his thumb. I looked at him "Baby what are you doing?" I asked. He pulled away "I-is the baby fwine?" He asked. I shrugged "The baby's fine baby but we still need to go to the hospital" he nodded.

We arrived at the hospital and i called a nurse to put Jimin to the e.r they all nodded. Jimin is laying on the hospital bed while i am talking to the doctor "Jimin's fine and so is the baby" the doctor said in a serious tone. I nodded "But?" I asked and the doctor sighed checking his files "But i'm sorry to say that he became little" i was shocked "What is a little?" I asked "It says that if a person is little it means he/she will act like a kid or a baby"

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