|Chapter 1|

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August 30th • First day of classes


I woke up to the harsh sound of the alarm. First day of classes. I groaned and flung myself out of bed, limping like a zombie over to my desk. Cute outfit, check. I thought as I lifted up the white polo shirt and black skirt. It was casual enough to still be cute, but professional enough for my first day.

"Oooo cute!" A voice pulled me out of my state of grogginess. "Someone's ready for their first day of being a TA! Wearing it for him?" She smiled with an evil grin.

I groaned. "Abby, we talked about this. No inappropriate jokes, he's our professor and now my boss." I straightened out the collar of the shirt and looked in the mirror.

"If I were him that wouldn't stop me... especially when you walk in with that skirt." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes at my roommate. "Shutup and come help me find some shoes to go with this." She just giggled some more and made her way over to my closet. After what felt like an eternity of searching I settled on a pair of black open-toed boots. It was still summer, and the last thing I needed was to be sweaty.

I took a deep breath. You've got this Emelia. It's just a job, you are just a teaching assistant. What's the worst that can happen? You just need to relax, don't let anxiety get in your way of success. I shuddered at the thought, it reminded me that I was going to see him again.

"How are you feeling?" Abby's voice dragged me out of my paranoid thoughts.

"Nervous." I chuckled lightly, trying to hide how stressed I was about the future of today.

"About seeing him again?" She questioned. I thought for a moment. I hadn't had contact with Professor Clarke, Doctor Clarke,  until he contacted me about being his TA. I sighed and took a seat at my desk.

"I don't know Abby. I'm not sure why, he's an amazing teacher, an accomplished doctor, and he's giving me a great opportunity with this whole TA thing." I paused for a moment to swallow. "But for some reason feel nauseous at the thought of working so... closely."

Abby intently listened to my worries, but when I was done she wore a mischievous grin. "Em, I wasn't talking about Dr. Clarke. I was talking about Cory." I cringed at the mention of my ex, and my face burned at assuming who she was talking about. "But we will get back to him later." She finished.

"You guys always had this thing." She smiled softly. "You know its ok to feel things right?"

I nodded at her. "I know- it's not like that though," I said, but she didn't look convinced. "Even if I wanted anything it couldn't happen, he's not only my teacher but my boss now-"

"And this isn't high school Emelia, and you aren't a kid. You are a 25-year-old grad student, and you are almost done with your degree."

"I know." I sighed. "But still it's not what you think. It's just that we had him as freshman, then I didn't see him until my first year of being a grad student. Then all of a sudden he wants me to be his TA, AND I have him for a high-level class. I just don't want to mess up or disappoint, we have history."

Abby took a seat on my bed. "Listen Em, you are the smartest person I know at this damn university, and you are going to be amazing at whatever you end up doing. And you get to work with someone who you already know, that sounds awesome to me! Most people hate their bosses!"

I laughed. "You're right, maybe I'm just over thinking. It's the anxiety talking." I turned my head back to my desk and saw the time. "Well I'm going to get going, he said to be there a little early to discuss how this first class is going to go."

She watched me grab my bag and stand. "That's understandable, but isn't it a little too early? I thought the class started at 9?"

I nodded. "Yeah but you know me, I like to be safe." She peered again at the clock that said 7:00 and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, good luck! I know you are going to do great, help him keep those freshmen in line!"

"Ab did you forget our freshman year? I don't think he will need any help with that." I smirked.

She feigned being scared. "Oh god I still have PTSD from that class. What an ass." I shook my remembering how horrible he was at first, hoping he would be a little more lenient with this year's students. "See you later."

I left the apartment, giving our cat Luna a chin scratch and closed the door. I made my way out of the elevator and mapped my way through the city to campus, a short commute. My legs felt like jelly as I made my way to the building where the class was being held.

Finally, after what felt like an endless hallway, I got to his classroom, taking a deep breath before I peered in. I was prepared to be met with either his stone stare or a witty remark, but he was nowhere to be found. I carefully crept in and looked around more thoroughly. He was still nowhere to be found, and I started to worry that I got here too early.

I placed my bag down on the small desk near his huge one, admiring the room that had changed since the last time I was in it. I strode over to his desk and peeked at the papers flooding the desk. I huffed, knowing that these freshmen were in for a rough time, just like I was.

My eyes continued to scan at the papers when a loud voice interrupted me. "Ah Ms. Wilder." I froze, not able to turn around. "What a pleasant surprise." I could practically hear the smirk on his face.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

Also if you want to know how Dr. Clarke typically is with his students read "Sin" by @mid-nightcoffee that book inspired me to write this!

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