|Chapter 18|

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Emelia's POV

"I don't get it." I yawned, nuzzling into his shoulder some more.

"I think the robot is the girls... mom?" Alex titled his head in confusion. "But also the robot helped destroy the planet?"

"I'm so lost." I laughed, falling into his lap.

"Maybe it's because you're drunk." He chuckled, moving his hand to play with the strands of my hair.

"I am not." I huffed. "I had a couple glasses of wine."

"You're a lightweight." He explained. "You are definitely not sober right now."

I pulled myself off of him, crossing my arms. "Then what about you? You've had more glasses than me, and you're having whiskey!"

"I can handle my alcohol better than you."

"Oh so you're not feeling anything right now?" I raised a brow at him. The corners of his mouth uplifted and he bit his lip.

"I'm feeling... good."

I giggled at his response and fell back onto his lap. "I'm tired." Thankfully, the credits started to roll on the screen and I closed my eyes briefly.

"Did you get all of your homework done?"

My eyes shot open and I narrowed them. "Yeah..."

"Liar." He chuckled.

"I did it before I made dinner..."

"Yeah right. What about the work I assigned?" He flipped me over onto my back and crawled on top of me.

"I looked at it." I laughed. "But I didn't do it yet."

"It's gonna take you more than the day before to finish it, I would get started if I were you." His face hovered above mine with his body pinning me down.

"What are you my mom? I'll get it done."

"No, but I'm your professor. And contrary to what you may think I actually care about my students doing well." He scoffed playfully.

"Sure." I patted his shoulder. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Don't touch my shoulder, it hurts from your nail marks." He smirked. I felt my heart start to beat faster and my face getting hot. He knew what he was doing, and he was getting me back for being a smart ass.

"You know," he continued. "the nail marks from you gripping into me earlier when you took charge. It was really sexy by the way."

"Stop." I squirmed, trying to escape from underneath him. "You win alright."

"Not many women can do what you do and get away with it." He chuckled darkly. "But somehow you always pull it off-"

"If you don't stop I will never let you touch me again!" I hugged, my face flushed red.

"Aw are you embarrassed?" He teased, finally letting me out from underneath him.

"No." I folded my arms, avoiding his gaze.

"Turned on?"

"Alex!" I slapped his arm, only making him more amused. He opened his smug mouth to continue but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

He grabbed it from beside him and put it up to his ear. "Mark, what's up?" I watched him intently as he processed whatever Mark was saying. "Tonight?" His eyes went wide and they fell on me. "I kind of have- company at the moment."

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