|Chapter 12|

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"So." I fiddled with my hands, sitting across the couch from her.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?" Abby asked, throwing her hands up. She didn't sound angry but there was still a hint of frustration in her voice.

I took a shaky breath and nodded. "Well... you remember that night I didn't come home from the bar?" She nodded, folding her arms and leaning forward in anticipation.

"I ran into Dr. Clarke at the bar, and we got drunk."

Her mouth opened and her eyes widened. "You went home with him?" I nodded and she gasped. "Tell me everything!"

I smiled a little bit at her enthusiasm, and the nervousness I felt previously began to wash away. "We didn't hook up. I woke up in his bed and I obviously freaked out because I couldn't remember anything. God Ab I was so nervous, I didn't end up going to his morning class the next day."

"Is that why you were 'sick' and acting weird." She motioned air quotes around sick. I nodded again and she waited for me to continue.

"I took his sweatshirt because my dress was nonexistent in the morning." She smirked at me, rubbing her hands together. "Cory held me up to apologize, and so after the class I stayed to talk to him about it but we didn't really get to-"

"He fucked you in the classroom!" She interrupted.

"Abby no!" I laughed. "We really just made out some more. Hansen rained on my parade."


"I know right!" I cackled. "So we parted ways but I went back to his apartment that night to return the sweatshirt. We had some more drinks, talked a little, and... you know."

"YES!" She roared, her voice piercing my ears. "I fucking knew you guys would fuck, it is about time. God, I need to know everything." My face turned red and I scratched the back of my neck. She squealed in anticipation, begging me to go into details.

"You know, we just... did it."

"Don't be a prude!" She whined. "How big is he?"

"Abby!" I scolded.

"What? I'm really curious."

So I told her, from him going down on me to having sex, then having sex again in the shower. "He woke me up this morning and it all seemed fine but it didn't last for too long." I felt myself getting angry again at the way he had treated me. But at the same time I felt a little guilty about the things I said to him.

"What the hell happened?" She gasped.

"We got into a fight. He was being an ass and dodging a productive conversation." I explained. She placed her head into her hands, at the edge of her seat. "I told him off basically. I told him to find another TA and that he should stay away from me. Now he wants to take me out to dinner so we can have a real talk."

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