|Chapter 5|

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Sorry for the lack of updates! It's finals week at my university for the next 3 weeks but I'll try to update as much as possible<3


The alarm blasting in my ear was enough to make me want to die. My thoughts kept me up all night, replaying the days' events over and over. Part of me dreaded going to class, but at the same time, I was excited to see him.

I rolled out of bed and looked at the time. 8:00am. Shit. I sighed and flung my legs out of bed, running a little behind schedule. Hoping that I wouldn't mess up my normal commute schedule, I hurried into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I quickly threw on a pair of leggings and a white t-shirt, grabbing a light denim jacket just in case the classroom was cold.

I heard my phone buzz but ignored it for the sake of saving time, grabbing my bag and practically running out of the apartment. As I left, I immediately prepared to go right, planning on my normal bus commute when a honk startled me. I froze when the engine of the black Mercedes roared.

The window slowly rolled down and there he was, rocking a pair of black shades that match his dark hair, sadly it covered his blue eyes. I hesitantly approached the car and bent down to look through the window. "What are you doing here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Get in."

I rolled my eyes, standing up to cross my arms. "That isn't an answer-"

"Christ Emelia just get in." He let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm driving you."

I laughed briefly, still staying put. "So you just show up without notice?"

"I texted you, jerk."

I pulled my phone from my pocket and sure enough, the buzzing I had heard was him.

Dr. Clarke: I'll be outside in a minute, I'm driving you in.

I placed it back in my pocket and shook my head. "You think that one minute is sufficient notice?" He just stared at me for a moment before turning his attention to the road. "Emelia Wilder. Do not make me leave your ass."

I quickly opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. "Good morning to you too sir." I teased. His hands gripped the steering wheel and he suddenly accelerated, leaving me to slam my knee against the interior. "Ouch!" I yelped, recovering as he slowed down.

"Oops." He said, wearing a slight smirk and his handsome face.

"You could've killed me!" I exclaimed. "God, you should learn how to take a joke-"

"And you should learn to watch what you say." He interjected rather coldly. I winced at his harshness, buckling my seatbelt and turning away from him as he continued driving towards the school. It was only a short ride, but the tension made it feel like forever.

I rubbed my throbbing knee, not that it hurt, but the impact caught me off guard. "Are you ok?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. I shrugged, not wanting to speak to him. "Emelia." The way he said my name made me want to curl up as I felt my face heat up.

"What." I said bitterly.

"I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"You didn't but that's not the point." I interrupted. "Just don't talk, I would like to just rest my mind before having to deal with you for two whole classes."

He turned to me, almost like he wanted to continue, but for once he listened and remained silent. I groaned internally as the car stopped when we hit traffic. "If we are late I blame you."

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