|Chapter 9|

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*Mature Content Ahead*


I lost all breath due to the impact of his lips. His body came off the desk and brought me with him, pressing me against the whiteboard. The moment his lips left mine we both gasped for air.

His hips brushed in between mine and I felt his hard-on press against my thigh. He let out a strangled noise at the contact and pulled away slightly. "I suggest that you leave if you don't want this to go further." His voice was the deepest I've ever heard and his eyes were almost as dark as his hair.

I shook my head, hypnotized by his primal stare. "No."

"No?" He looked somewhat amused. "No what?"

I sucked in a harsh breath. "I don't want to leave."

He stared at me for a moment before brushing a wild strand of hair out of my line of vision. "And what do you want Emelia?"

I hesitated, whimpering as he pushed himself into me again. "Keep going." I whispered. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head.

"What was that?"

I gripped onto his broad shoulders, squeezing them with frustration. "Don't-"

"Don't what?"

I bit my lip, raking my nails down the front of his button-up shirt. Deciding that I was not in the mood for anymore teasing I turned the tables, pushing my hips harshly against his. My movements pulled a low groan from his throat.

"You're naughty." He growled, his hot breath sending a shockwave down my neck. I grabbed his collar and pulled him in again, melting into his soft yet firm lips. He tasted like mint and his aftershave smelled fresh. His hands traveled from my face to my waist, gripping tightly at my shirt.

I wouldn't have stopped him, and a part of me wouldn't have protested against him having his way with me over his desk. We were way past the formalities of student-teacher and nothing in the moment could disturb us.

That is until a rough knock sounded at the door. Ripped out of his trance, he pulled away from me quickly, releasing me from my cage against the wall.

"One moment!" He hollered after gathering enough breath. Still disoriented, I almost stumbled into him when he grasped my wrist and pulled me into the connecting office. "Sit tight." He said, leading me to one of the chairs. He took a moment to fix his appearance before leaving me to confront whoever interrupted us.

I scooted the chair closer to the door to get a better listen. "Hello Doctor." A sultry voice echoed through the room after the lock on the door clicked.

"Ms. Hansen." He replied calmly. "What can I help you with?"

I heard the clatter of heals hitting the floor and stopping a few feet away from the office. "I just came by to ask you about the meeting tonight." I rolled my eyes. Ms. Hansen was notorious for being one of the most flirtatious professors in the university. I never cared for her fake kindness and backhanded compliments.

When I took her Neuro Statistics class she would always tell me how great of a student I was... for someone who seemed clueless in class. I scoffed, laughing at any attempt she had at trying to flirt with Dr. Clarke.

"And you couldn't email?" He asked.

She giggled and the sound of someone sitting in the swivel chair creaked. "Well Alex. I just needed to confirm that you would be there. You canceled the last one at NYU and I was just around the corner. And you aren't very good at answering emails."

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