|Chapter 16|

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Alex wasn't lying.

As I sat in the large lecture hall I couldn't help but squirm in my seat. My whole body was sore, and it didn't take me long to accept that I wouldn't be able to focus. I sighed, letting the pen slip from my hand and leaned my back against the chair so I could stretch.

Turning my body only heightened the ache in my bones, but it was that good ache. I slowly dug my phone out of my pocket and checked my texts.

Abbey: Should I assume that you aren't coming home tonight? ;)

Mom: Are you free next week for your brothers' band concert?

Alex: I won't be home after your class, I have a scrimmage later but I can come pick you up for a late dinner.

I quickly replied to my girls before revisiting Alex's text. Scrimmage? I thought hard for a moment.

Oh right, he's a soccer player.

Me: Dinner sounds nice, where's the scrimmage being held?

Alex: The indoor field probably, it will probably rain tonight. It should end around 6 when should I pick you up for dinner?

Me: I have to stop by the pool to help set up the water polo game around 6 anyway. I can watch you for a little.

Alex: I don't think that's the best idea Emelia, we can't be seen together outside of school hours too often, but I can wait outside for you until you're done?

I frowned, a little hurt by the realization that this whole "thing" we had going on needed to be kept hidden. Part of that made it exciting but it also made me question how smart I was being.

Me: Oh ok. You should park further from the building too so it won't be suspicious, or I can meet you at your place just in case. I'd hate to get you in trouble.

Alex: I didn't mean it like that Emelia, you know that.

Me: I know, I'll see you later.

Alex: Can't wait.

I put down my phone and rubbed my temples, trying to keep my emotions in check. I know it was wrong of me to feel upset. In reality it was my biggest fear too.

Dr. Alexander Clarke fired for college scandal.

I couldn't risk his job, in fact it was selfish to start any kind of relationship with him. Forget my career as a student because it would be seen as his fault.

It's never the student seducing the professor when the student is a girl, it's always seen as the professor abusing the student. Taking advantage of the student.

Alex was complicated. He had his moments where it felt like he was completely self absorbed, but I knew that he had a big heart. The way he talked about his niece and the way he felt extreme responsibility for his patients even after they were off the table proved to me that he cared.

I liked that I got to see his softer, more gentle side. They say if you care about something you should let it go, but I can't. I don't want to. I've never felt like this with any other partners.

He will be the death of me.

The sound of other students packing up startled me out of my dazed state. My four o'clock class always ended a little early, but it was still already five o'clock.

I quickly made my way back home to Abbey so I could get my feelings in check before seeing Alex again tonight.

"I think you are worrying too much." She laughed, closing her textbook.

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