|Chapter 8|

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My hand came to my face to block out the bright sun. Fuck my head hurts.

Memories of last night struggled to pop in my head but I remembered vaguely running into Dr. Clarke and having way too much to drink. I ran a hand through my hair, wincing at the throbbing sensation in my head. Way too much to drink. 

I slowly lifted my upper half, glancing at the alarm clock on my dresser. Except it wasn't there. I blinked a few times, a horrifying panic setting in as I realized that this was not my room. I could feel my chest tighten as I quickly examined my surroundings, trying to drown out the hammering of my head. 

My hand slid up the sheets until they hit something hard. Freezing in terror, I slowly removed my hand from the body lying beside me and lowered my gaze. Oh my fucking god. 

His dark hair seemed messy even from behind and his naked back was fully on display. It was godlike, perfect in every way despite the few scratch marks littering his shoulders. Scratch marks...


Fucking Fuck. 

Holy Shit Fuck.

My mind raced and I could hardly breathe as I slowly flung my legs over the side of the bed. My naked legs. The only relief I could find in the moment was that I had my bra and underwear still on my body. 

I quietly scampered out of the room, all the while searching for my dress and shoes. My shoes were thrown across the room next to my phone and thankfully the dress was tossed just outside the door into the hallway. 

I sneaked up to it and held it up thankfully. Too bad it was practically ripped in half. My breath hitched in my throat as I quickly balled it up. I tiptoed into the living area and frantically searched for an escape.

Emelia, you are half naked for God's sake. Do I call someone? Do I wake him? Do I fling myself out the window and end it all-

My thoughts stopped when my panicked eyes found a sweatshirt on the dining room table. I quickly threw it over my exposed torso and fiddled with the lock on the door. The long sleeves made it difficult but when I heard the lock click it took everything in me to not throw the door open. I eased my way outside and let it close gently. 

I didn't bother with the elevator and hurried down the stairs, my shoes almost falling off and my phone clutched tightly in my hand. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of stairs I reached what I assumed to be the lobby, with large tinted glass doors that shielded the building from the harsh light.

And harsh it was. I nearly burned up like a vampire in one of those cheesy movies as soon as I ran outside. I struggled to open my eyes just to see where the hell I was. I lowered my head to avoid the strong rays and looked at my phone, praying for enough battery. 

20% thank you sweet Jesus.

I opened maps and found that I was in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I quickly ordered an Uber back to the Bronx as I hid behind a car, probably looking like the sketchiest creep one could ever see. 

Hello ma'am, cute dog you have there! Oh no, I'm not homeless or an escaped insane asylum prisoner. I'm just waiting for my Uber while experiencing the wildest walk of shame from my professors' apartment. Please don't mind me.

Thankfully, the driver didn't seem to care about my lack of clothes or my heaving breathing. The entire ride my mind struggled to piece together what had happened last night. Worst case, I had just slept with my Professor/boss and possibly doomed my entire life as a student and TA. Or best case scenario I had just slept with my Professor/boss...

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