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Authors Note:
There will be two songs in this chapter. The first one is at the top while the other is in the chapter where the words are. Songs do not belong to me, videos, or anything, nor the picture. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!


THERE ARE THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL, AND THINGS YOU CAN'T CONTROL. One thing Bella knew for sure she couldn't control was her father constantly changing from one outfit to another, especially when he used his speed.

A gust of wind came into the room yet again as Barry Allen ran from his room, down the stairs and into the living room where Bella and Joe sat at the couch. Barry Allen may have been one of the smartest people when it came to science but completely clueless when it came to women, dating, and things like that.

"If you change one more time, I'm gonna shoot you," Joe spoke up from his place in a single sofa chair not looking up from his newspaper.

"I started getting ready half an hour after you and I'm all ready to go," Bella spoke getting her guitar from beside the sofa and walking towards the door.

When Bella heard that her father had a date she found it very humorous how he acted while changing. Bella got ready to go to work but from time to time she would put on a dress, most of the time it was jeans and a t-shirt. After seeing her father dressing up she had the sudden urge to put on a dress and she was ready to go out until her father used his superspeed to push her into her room and made her change into a pair of jeans and shirt claiming the dress she had chosen was 'inappropriate' for her age.

So instead the girl changed into a black shirt, green olive button-up over it, jeans, and her convers. Saying goodbye to Joe, and making sure he wouldn't shoot Barry, Bella left and took a cab to a nearby coffee place. The night was young but Bella was tired from expanding her knowledge with the new branches of power she possessed.

Every day she would constantly be practicing with anyone, her father, Cisco, Wells, Caitlin, and the people she saw during her walks. The only problem was that like her father her own abilities had their limits, which she saw when she started getting dizzy, splitting headaches, ringing in her ears, and sometimes her sight would go blurry.

After getting her coffee the girl walked for ten minutes before she reached their restaurant. The familiar sound of the bell above her head rang like any other day, the people smiled, as usual, the aroma of delicious food swept through the air and heat wrapped around her like a welcoming hug.

"Hi, Esmi!" The girl greeted the women in uniform standing behind what could be the same bar Bella would greet Matteo.

"Hola Bella./Hi Bella." The woman greeted back with her own smiled sketched upon her face.

A foreign smell reached Bella's nose and she leaned in for a hug even if she had to lean across the counter. When Esmeralda accepted the sudden hug, Bella rested her nose against the older women's shoulder and Bella instantly knew what it was.

"Who's the guy?" Bella asked unlatching from the hug but holding the women's hands so she wouldn't walk away.

"What guy?" Esmi asked with a much bigger and forced smile.

"You smell of the same type of perfume every woman wears when trying to impress a guy." Bella lied.

When her father had been under the influence of Prism's his anger had smelled of something since she could detect emotions. After unlocking all her senses to her powers, and practicing in the streets she noticed a pattern when it came to emotions and what smell matched with it. The smell Bella radiated from Esmi was that of affection.

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