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EVERYTHING AROUND BARRY WAS MAKING HIM HAVE A MASSIVE DEJA'VU. The more he spun to look at his surroundings and confirm his suspicions the more dizzy and nauseous he felt.

"Hey, what's going on? Dude?" A voice in his head made Barry snap out of his small freaking out episode and realize it was Cisco Ramon's voice he was hearing, "Yeah, Cisco. I'm here."

"What happened? Why'd you stop?" Cisco asked from his end of the mic with Bella by his side in her grey sweat pants, S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt, and headband while Wells watches them from his spot close to the screen they were watching a movie a few minutes ago.

"I just got a little disoriented." All three of them heard Barry answer with heavy breaths.

With her eyebrows scrunched together Bella leaned forward, "Hey dad, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." They heard the guy in red leather said not so convincingly but decided to drop it. The guy had just left a date with a hot chick, he was probably pissed about it or something.

Cisco stepped in, "Well, you need to make up some time, man. You better hurry up."

"Hurry?" Barry asked from his end still looking around in confusion, "What are you-"

"Hurry, as in get to the morgue." Cisco cut him off.

"The morgue?" Barry repeated breathing heavily, "I was there. Yesterday."

"What are you talking about?" Cisco asked out loud as Wells rolled up behind him and Bella, his head in the middle of their's as they all looked at each other, "Come on, you gotta go."

"Hey, Speedy Gonzalez." Bella stepped, "Just because your fast doesn't mean you get to slack off."

From the other side, Barry was freaking out to a point that he didn't know if he was even dreaming. Everything was happening exactly the way it did before and he still couldn't wrap his head around it. One moment he was in a life-threatening situation and now he was in an even bigger problem then a tsunami, at that was saying something.

He did the only thing he could come up with, he kept on with his day.


Barry arrived at the crime scene and was looking around, jumping at every bump he was making at the deja'vu he was having. It wasn't until he heard the voice of Joe did he snap back to his reality, "Hey, Barr. What's with all the water? Did the sprinkler system go off or something?"

"What?" Narry asked in confusion as he got closer to Joe and looked up at the water sprinklers, "No, I checked the sprinklers. They're all intact."

He then walked towards the body who's condition and data he already knew by memory, "But the water has ice in it. And the bruises on the coroner aren't just on his face. Take a look at his torso."

Following his instructions, Joe lifted the coroner's shirt up and saw as multiple purple spots of impact were scattered across his chest as of he was hit by golf balls going at full force, "Whoa. How the hell did you know that?"

"He was killed by hail." Barry nervously added with his hands going to his mouth and hair, "We have to listen to the recording."

"Recording?" Joe asked.

"Joe, we got something." They heard Eddie's voice say as he came up to the both of them with something in his hand, "The coroner's office just installed an automated dictation system. Listen to this."

His finger pressed on a button where a pleading voice echoed through the room before another voice joined, "Please no more! . . . I'll stop when you tell me! . . . Just stop! . . . Who killed him?!"

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