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Will Bella's doppelganger be in the next book?

OF COURSE, SHE IS! I WOULD BE CRAZY NOT TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE OF OUR GIRL'S DOPPELGANGER! Plus I've actually been planning on it because her appearance will reveal a little something for our girl.

Will I do a face reveal?

I feel like my face is too ugly, plus I'm not what you would call photogenic. Maybe, later on, I don't know.

Are you writing this book based on the events that happened in the series?

Yes, that's one of the beauties of good books. Each character has their own backstory and as the book goes on they grow, it's not just about the main character. Because that would sad. So the books will follow the events of the series with some additional scenes on our girl growing and developing. Character development is one of my favorite things.

Can Bella basically vibe?

No, that is strictly for our other metahuman baby.

What's up with the whole deal of Bella and Barry's age?

At the begging of the book, I was going to leave Barry being 25 and consider it a minor detail to brush off seeing its fanfiction and we can just like ignore a bunch of stuff. However, a lot of people have been mentioning the age so I'm gonna switch Barry to being 29. Even though he would look very, very young to be 29, and at the end of the book he would be 30.

Will Bella have a love interest?

Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe it's a maybe. You know what, yup. It's definitely a maybe.

Will Rose come back?

That question is better left unanswered for the sake of my writing. #Bringroseback?

When will we know who the secret admirer is?


Will I keep writing for the rest of the seasons?

Yes, I will try to keep it up as much as I can. It's gonna be hard because I'm turning into a senior in high school and I have a lot of events. Plus with college and being the only person in my family to go to college, I feel stupid and don't know what to do. But I will always stay loyal to my books and you guys so don't worry.

Bonus questions of my own for you guys.

Should I be worried that my chapters are getting fewer comments on each one? Because at the beginning there were like a lot and now there diminishing little by little.

How do you guys like the book so far?

How would you guys feel about me writing a book of my own so I can enter it in the Watty Awards one day?

This chapter will continue to change and add questions if anyone has any more questions or something.

Also, I would like to say a big thank you to @AndresPlatas who has been here since the beginning and who makes me smile every time I see a comment from this person. You are the best and I really hope you keep reading and you rock! I wish I could meet you in real life.

Heck, I wish I could meet the majority of the Wattpad community in real life. For the rest of the people who follow me, and comment on how much you like my book I LOVE YOU TOO!

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