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Author's Note:

I don't know what day or month the last episode was so I'm just going to set this in a day where Eobard Thawne is gone in the streets. Don't worry, he will not appear and kill the party, I would never allow that. The people included in this chapter will be Barry, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, and Eddie.


THE FIRST THING BELLA WOKE UP TO WAS THE WOODEN CEILING ABOVE HER HEAD, A SIGHT GOT USED TO OVER TIME. That is until she made the mistake of rolling over and falling face-first on the floor. Her body landed with a muffled thud soon afterward, her legs tangled in a mess with her covers.

"That's one way to get up in the morning." A voice that wasn't Bella's spoke up.

Now wide awake in sudden alert, Bella rolled on her back and squirmed around on the floor like a worm until she got herself in a sitting position facing the door where her father stood. Everything about him screamed that he just woke up, his wrinkled white shirt, checkered blue pajama pants, bare feet and messy morning hair standing up in all directions. Eyeing him, Bella could just imagine what she looked like through his eyes.

She could feel something warm and sticky on the right corner of her mouth, her hair covering her face, her eyes heavy and tired, she must look like a dead and unattractive zombie.

Blinking away the sting in her eyes from the morning light, Bella spotted a blurry spot in his hands. Not being able to distinguish what it was since she didn't have her glasses on, the young girl reached behind her with one arm and look for her glasses on her bedside table. Struggling for a moment, her hand met with a familiar shape and put on her glasses. The world around her instantly became blurry underwater spots to High Definition, allowing her to see what her father was holding. Instantly, her heart warmed up at the sight of a small round plate with a single chocolate chip muffin, and in the center, a silver candle.

"Surprise?" Barry asked with a lifted eyebrow. Walking forward, he helped Bella on her feet with one arm letting the girl carelessly kick the covers away. Once she was free of the death trap, Bella wrapped her arms around her father's waist, and in return, he pulled her closer to his chest with his free arm. Kissing the top of his daughter's morning nest hair, Barry mumbled a soft, "Happy Birthday Sweetie."

"Thanks, Dad," Bella mumbled against her father's chest, her voice muffled, before letting go and staring at the muffin in Barry's hands.

The sound of something hitting the ground downstairs snapped at Bella's attention, "Was that Papa Joe?"

"Maaaaaaaybe." Barry dragged out, scratching the back of his neck and not meeting her eyes.

Noticing her father's behavior, Bella raised a curious eyebrow and stared at her father's face, "Daaaad?"

Barry's shoulders instantly dropped and his hand was now rubbing at his eyes. Handing Bella that muffin, the speedster gently pulled Bella forward with one arm around her shoulders, "I think it's best if you see for yourself."

The answer only made Bella even more apprehensive as she slowly and with cautious steps walked out of her room in nothing but her Twenty-One Pilots two sizes too large shirt and black leggings. The floor felt cold under Bella's bare feet, and with one sleeve of her shirt, she wiped away any trace of drool in her face as best as she could. Walking down the stairs Bella is met with a sight that had her asking, "What the-?"


Ah yes, May the Fourth. Not only was it the day Bella was born, but it was also Star Wars day. A day where people celebrated the fandom by using a pun on the famous phrase, "May the force be with you." One of those people being her special and dorky friend, Cisco Ramon who smiled wide as Bella flushed red in embarrassment. Trying to hide it, the girl turned and pushed her face against her father's chest once more, "Oh my God, Daaaaad."

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