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EVERYONE KNOWS THE STORY OF HOW THE FLASH WAS BORN. How the Particle Accelerator turned on and released a wave of foreign energy into the air, creating not just the Flash but more people with abilities above the average human, metahumans. People know of the battles he fights to keep Central City safe from those who wish to use their abilities to harm others instead of helping them, giving him the honor of being the city's hero and guardian.

Meanwhile, others know of the man behind the mask, Barry Allen. They know of his experience of losing people he loved, the tears he's shed, the moments where he felt the weakest and on the verge of possibly thinking he has reached his limit. At the same time as his development in becoming the Flash, of making new friends, making new allies, and forming his team of people he's proud to spend his memories with.

But this story has a twist.

What if it turned out that Barry had a daughter he never knew of? A daughter that he meets after he wakes up from his nine months coma? A daughter that has been living in the same city as him working in a small Italian restaurant?

Isabella De La Cruz, a normal girl who tries to live her own life in her way that was equally turned upside down by the Particle Accelerator turning on. She also goes through her coma of her own and wakes up to have metahuman abilities, sending her into the adventures of a fourteen-year-old girl.

Watch as Barry Allen becomes a part-time hero, part-time Forensic Scientist, and part-time father. Watch as Bella spends her time trying to fix her life with the only person that could keep her from being an orphan. Two people who will become part of Team Flash and with the help of their newfound friends will go through one heck of a ride all because of that one night.



I know the description used to be with the cover but I'm making a few small changes. NOT TO THE STORY! Just adding a casting chapter, this summary chapter, and a possibly mood board chapter.

Also when I'm done with this book I will add extra chapters at the end including chapters with the character's birthdays, including Bella's birthday, along with some extra scenes of celebrations seeing each season is one year.

You guys can comment or private message me about any ideas or scenes you guys want to see.

For right now enjoy!

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