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Author's Note

The song for this chapter will be from a guy's voice. I wanted to use this song and I really like this version so I decided to use it. The song does NOT belong to me, although I wish I had this talent.



THE FIRST TIME BELLA WOKE UP, HER BODY WAS WEAK BUT HER MIND WAS WIDE AWAKE. It only took a couple of seconds for her to realize that she couldn't move. Like her body was still trapped in its coma state, but her mouth, eyes and own mind were still wide awake. Day by day, her body started recovering: moving her fingers and hands along with tilting her head the first few hours.

To their advantage, Eobard didn't know that Bella was awake and the pair kept it like that, even though she was restrained to the bed by her wrist and ankles. Eddie and Bella talked during the time Eobard was gone, reassuring each other that they were going to get out. Each word from their mouths seeking to get weaker and in need of effort to say.

From her place in the bed, Bella could see, even without her glasses that were set on a side table, how malnourished Eddie was. A beard was growing on his chin and the side of his face, his eyes were sunken, his skin pale without the energy and vitamins of natural light, but his body and his whole face was the real dead give away. He body was thin, his cheeks sunken in and his face along with his lips were cracked from dehydration.

Bitting her own lips, Bella could feel how cracked they were from the lack of water. The IV connected to her body gave her the nutrients she needed but now that she was awake and producing the light in her hands bright more of her energy was to keep herself awake and produce the light. She could feel her own body weak as she shifted in her medical bed, her muscles aching as she stayed in the same position for what could be weeks.

Tilting her head to the side, Bella watched a slightly blurry figure of Eddie shift in his own seat. Mastering up her energy, Bella whispered out to him, "Stop."

A groan of frustration reached her ears from within the darkness to which she kept talking too, "You're only hurting yourself."

"I can't stop." She heard Eddie's voice reply to her, faint and exhausted, but there, "That crazy man has us both here and I'm not planning on letting him win. God only knows what he's planning to do."

Hearing him grunt over and over again, Bella blinked her eyes before squinting to see his face more clearly. Her eyes adjusting her sight of blindness, "Eddie Spaghetti."

A small thump of the chair legs hitting the ground echoed in the room before Edie sighed as if taking a break, "Yes, Bella?"

"I'm sorry." Bella whispered out shifting once more in her bed making sure not to move too much so Eobard wouldn't notice a shift in her position knowing how to detail the man was.

"Sorry?" Eddie repeated in confusion catching his breath from his struggle, "For what?"

"For you getting mixed in all of this." Bella gulped down a lump in her throat, "The time when Wells or Eobard, however you want to call him when he showed you the newspaper-"

"You heard." Eddie finished for the girl before scoffing in amusement and shaking his head with his chin to his chest before looking back up over to the girl, "That has nothing to do with you."

"I know." Bella agreed looking at his blurry face, "I also know what it feels to have your own problems but keeping quiet and having to deal with other people's problems."

Letting out a long and tired sigh, Eddie tilts his head backward and looks up at the ceiling of the room, "No child should go through this Bella."

Eddie turned from the ceiling to Bella with a smile, "You're a good child."

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