VBRP [11]: You did what now?

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Slim blinks.

Once, twice before...

"You did what now?"

"I slept with Dream and Killer." Sans snorted as a small blush made it's way to his face.

"Sans, my bud, my old friend, please tell me it isn't that kind of 'slept with' that I think it is."

Sans awkwardly chuckled at that.

"Oh stars, you actually had sex with them." Slim exasperatedly said as a bewildered look made it's way into his eyes.

If your asking what the actual fuck is happening is that, Sans is currently trying to explain to his friend for years why he won't be able to work or walk in a few days, in the privacy of their shared room of course.

"Are you like there hoe now or something?"

Well that hurts.

"Of course not, everything is purely casual." Sans rolled his eyes at that.

"Do they know that they both had sex with you?"

Sans sweat dropped. "I mean- well- Killer probably knows."

"Holy fuck, Sans." Slim said as he pinched where his nose should be.

"Please tell me those are the only two people that you slept with that has any connections to our masters or is one of them."

Sans nervously laughs as his gaze shifted to the side. "Uhmmm...."

"Dear stars, who?"

"Well.. there's Dust..."

Slim breaths in and then breath out before face palming himself so hard in the face that Sans could have sworn he heard a bone break.

"Okay..." Slim breaths out. "How about this, is there any other master of ours that you have any kind of sexual acts with?"

"Well, I probably kiss Cross and Horror at some point but-"


"You know how I drink like there’s no tomorrow whenever we have one of those staff Christmas parties? Well-"


Slim had fainted.


"Hey what kind of soap are you using?" Bunny said as she looks over at him.

Sans lifted a brow. "The same ones I always used, why?"

"It's been two days and the smell of pine trees and cherries is still as strong as ever." Bunny pointed. "Seriously, it envelopes you like a warning or something."

Pine trees and cherries, huh.

"Anyways, we will be going back to the mansion in two days." Bunny sighed, her ears going down. "I'll miss this place."

"Yeah." Sans said.

Shit, two days-

"Ffffuuuccccckkkk," Sans exasperatedly said. "I still have some things to do."

"Then why not do them now?" Bunny asks him with a raise brow.


"Oh shit, your right...."


Dear stars, his going to mess this up won't he?

Sans is currently standing outside of his brother's boyfriend's office. This is it, he needs to face this guy and clear up any misunderstanding he had ever made before this goes on any longer.

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