[2]| Fearing Cows Is A Thing

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Sans has experienced fear before.

He knew very well what that emotion is, as everyone knows what it is. Fear is an unpleasant emotion to have, to be scared something or someone from the sheer thought of it being dangerous.

But this,

This is a different kind of fear.

He gulps, hand going down to his stomach as he hugs himself close. Trying his hardest to feign a cold front when all he could do is be frozen still as the monster in front of him grinned.

A tantalizing, frightening and chilling fear.


(3 months earlier)

"Look I know you really don't want me or you to be recognize, but don't you think this is a bit too much?" Sans snickers as he tugs on the mouth mask that Cross had made him wear, but mostly, he was referring to the other.

"I'm a multiverse renowned criminal, of course." Cross said through the black mask, cap and shades he was wearing with a serious face. "Anyone would be scared upon seeing me."

"Of course, if you entered the store wearing that, they will be scared if you will steal anything."

Sans snorted as he rolled his eyes before chuckling seeing the other's reaction. "Just wear the shades and you'll be fine."

They were just about to go grocery shopping, Sans would've usually passed to such activity that needed him to exert energy, but he guesses he has been too cooped up in the castle and it really has been a while since he had gone outside. So, he agreed to come.

Cross simply grumbled as he begrudgingly did what the latter told him so, before opening said portal to whichever place they must get to. Wordlessly, Sans followed the latter through the portal with his hands in his jacket's pockets.

Looking around the place, he hummed in thought.  "Which AU are we in?"

"Why? Are you planning to see if you know anyone here to escape?" Cross retorted as he then suddenly took ahold of Sans' hand, tugging him towards himself.

It would've seemed like someone just wanting to hold their friend's hand on the outside, yet in reality, that was rather painful for Sans.

Flinching slightly from the pain, Sans nervously laughs upon seeing those heterochromatic eyes glaring at him. "Uhm, bud. I was just asking since that's what people usually do when they were brought in some place." He pointed out with a small chuckle.

Blinking a few times, Cross quickly let go of his hand before sighing as he apologetically shakes his head. "Sorry, I was used to handling usual prisoners like this since it's how a guard should act." Eyes looking at him, the latter paused.

"But you are a special case."

He rose a brow at that before brushing it off as he simply took ahold of the other's hand. "Well, either way, if this makes you feel more assured that I won't run then we can keep holding hands." He nonchalantly said.

It's not like he ever planned to run, he made a deal. Even if he was sure Nightmare and his gang can't just go freely destroy the original universe: That didn't meant he still won't hurt his brother and friends plus the kid made it so they are in  the surface now without resetting as they had promised.

Sans just doesn't want them to suffer anymore.

Cross was clearly taken a back by what he had said, only for the latter to shift their gaze to the side and nod.



"I am going to kill you; I don't care what Nightmare ordered. I am going to kill you."

Cross spoke darkly as he looks at Sans with disdain and hate inside of his eyes.

Snickering at that, San rolled his eyes. The latter was no where near scary, especially with Cross being on the floor in a defensive stance whilst glaring at the stuffed toy in Sans' hands.

They were just grocery shopping when Sans saw this particular item in one of the racks in which Cross responded by; shrieking loudly like a girl.

"Cross, it's just a cow. Come on, give it a kiss!" He grinned, shoving the obnoxious cow stuff toy into Cross' face who quickly crawled away with what looks to be tears in his eyes.

"You are the devil!"

Laughing loudly at that, Sans decided right then and there. He really should buy this thing.


"Why would you even buy that hellhound..."

Cross muttered under his breath with a far out look in his eyes whilst Sans simply held the stuff cow closer to himself.

"Who knows?" He shrugs.

He had heard from Killer before that Cross was afraid of cows. Who knew that the latter was actually right: Cross has one hell of a girly scream if he ever sees a cow.

"Come on, I'm sorry bud. I'll treat you to a chocolate parfait." Sans said as he jabs a thumb towards a café that was just around the corner, he saw it earlier and found out the store specializes in chocolate treats.

Cross glanced at what he pointed at, clearly being swayed by the idea.

They were done shopping anyways. So, Sans saw no harm in it.

Shaking his head, Cross tried to be serious. "...You would have to take off your mask for you to eat though."

"It's a crowded place, ain't it? Plus, it's not like anyone who I know will be coincidentally in there too—"

"Let's go!"

Being dragged into the store with max speed.

Sans snickers.

Cross is really simple, he guessed.


Dream sneezes.

"Is something wrong, Dream?" Ink asked as he gave the latter a curious look.

"No," Dream shakes his head, as he awkwardly chuckled. "I just thought I felt something is about to happen, I guess."

"Oh," Ink nodded nonchalantly before going back to what he was saying earlier, the deity being the same old energetic self while Dream simply followed the latter.

"Dream, look at that café." Ink chirps as he points towards a building just by. It was a cute looking and plain building enough; the walls were a pale cream, light brown roof and painless glass as the entrance.

"It looks cute." Eyes turning to the menu at front, he viewed the pictures shown which undoubtedly was making his mouth water. Turning to Ink, he chuckled awkwardly. "Seeing that it's sorta our day off. Wanna have a snack there?"

"Of course!"

Though, how come Dream has a bad feeling about this.


1095 words.

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