Idols And Popstars [2]| Café Contract

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"Okay I know we have a serious issue here but by stars name that disguise isn't actually averting attention from you guys."

Sans said chuckling as Dust and Killer sat on the other side of the table.

They were wearing something that Killer referred to as their disguises to the public to not get recognize and get attention averted from them but damn was it doing the opposite.

"Please we look fabulous and you know it." Killer said as he flip his scarf for an effect.

Both were wearing all black and gray, black hat, sun glasses, gray sweaters and scarves well except for Dust who has a red scarf instead of a dark grey one like Killer's.

Sans snorted at that before resting his face on his hand.

"Where's this manager of yours anyways?"

They were at a café and Sans still haven't met this manager of there's yet.

Killer shrugs. "He's still busy bribing the owner of this place to shut up and make everybody leave."

"Hello everyone I'm sorry for the inconvenience but we will be closing immediately for serious reasons."

Sans turned to the voice seeing who he thinks is the owner of this place holding up a speaker and telling this to everyone.

Everyone in the café groaned as the owner only kept apologizing and shushing them outside this place.

Once the place had cleared out, a skeleton with shades on walks up to the owner.

“It was nice doing business with you sweetie.”

A skeleton wearing a brown trench coat with a black crop top underneath and skinny jeans, grinned as the owner only flushed a deep red before nodding their head and walking to the employees only back room.

“Did you seduced them?” Killer asked the moment the owner left, as he sip his coffee while Sans felt more and more confuse.

“Oh no we just talk,” The skeleton giggled. “Must have the hots for me.”

Killer snickered as Sans nudged the other.

“Anyways, Sans meet Lust, our manager.”

Lust took off his sunglasses as Sans saw purple eyelights.

“Nice to meet you hon!”


Sans slumped his back against the chair as he raised a brow.


He asked, voice shocked and unsure as he took in what the other said.

“You’ll be fake dating Dust.” Lust grinned as he leaned his body on the table.

“Just… why?”

The other grinned. “People don’t just follow popstars for their music you know, it’s the story that makes it more interesting…”

“And since none of the guys have dated anyone before publically, this would be a great chance to get more publicity.”

Thinking on another perspective, that is a great game plan actually if it were for fame. Sans knew this from Bonnie’s countless chatter about gossips in the celebrity world.

“And why would I agree to this? I still have my own life.” He asked while sipping his coffee.

“Straight to the point, I like you already.” Lust chuckled. “I know about your financial deeds and your brother of course, you’re a free-lance writer, an author on the making and part-timer that just wants his brother to finished school right?”

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