A very pissed off Author

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From the last update, people kept saying glad you are back to me.

I will say it but I’ve never been away, I simply didn’t update cause I did not feel like to do it after all I held no responsibility to this book as I have gave no commitment or say in it.

You know I would’ve just said that my reason for not updating is because of myself but I wont sugarcoat it anymore for some of you are pissing me off.

I like everyone’s comments, they are cute and funny but of course not everything is sweet. I get bad comments too and ones that offended me so badly. I usually ignore them and it has been years of me writing books so my patience was long but…

A certain person has even fucking said how my books are great but at the same time that they hope I will update sooner and not just leave the book cause they fucking hate those kinds of people.


Writing is supposed to be fun and imaginative not be fucking hated for it, you son of a fuck and good job you made me cry.

I wont say any names, but I think you know who you are, you little slut. Yes, you fucking suck as balls. I didn’t mention your name but maybe the shame of knowing you pissed me off is enough for you to swallow in self pity, who knows~? Ah, I would’ve said your name if I didn’t have any decency unlike you but I would’ve enjoyed seeing if the others will go and stalk you and maybe hate you too, isn’t that a funny thought~?

My wives say that I am just an asshole and not a sadist but I like to think I am both of those things.

I never deleted comments. Sure, creepy comments from creepy stalkers are deleted but I never deleted a hate comment. Oh no, I keep photos of those, just so I will know exactly who I should fuck up.

Ah, I’m sorry for the language but that is all thank you~

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