🎐 - chapter 11

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【 좋아해요

Day 2


The younger has been spending his time figuring out his feelings for the older. Figuring out why he did the things he did to the male. What Namjoon couldn't deny was the satisfaction he felt when he did those things. How his heart skipped a beat, when they would accidentally make skin contact. He'd absentmindedly caught himself thinking of the smaller at times where it was unnecessary. After all those times, his thoughts would go back and circulate around the older, it was settled then of his feelings for the man.

It was always obvious to the others, their group of friends of the two male's feelings towards each other.  Neither of them were certain or had to guts to act on it. But essentially, they were oblivious despite the amount of random flirting, the moments where they'd catch one another staring and quickly looking away embarrassed that they got caught. Their random acts of kindness that would sometimes be too much to be considered as 'just friends'.

The younger physically and mentally face palmed. Called himself an idiot for not realizing it sooner. He always thought it was normal, the way his body shakes in nervousness whenever he was left alone in a room with just the older, and so on.. Or how he was more sincere and caring towards him and came off a little rude and cold to others he didn't really know, but even in his circle of friends he was always a tad bit harsh at times.

Namjoon didn't have work that day so he decides to clean his house thinking that maybe a little cleaning will help him think clearer about the whole situation, hopefully. When he finished cleaning, he was surprised that he actually cleaned the whole house. He plops down onto the couch and lets out a big sigh. Unfortunately he used up a huge portion of his energy and felt himself dozing off. The time was only 8 p.m. and he was about to knock out, on the bright side he finally figured out his feelings for the older.


Yoongi didn't fully agree to the break that Namjoon told him about but he figured the that younger needed it and maybe he did as well.

The older got frustrated trying to put the pieces together, going back and forth on "We're just friends, nothing more nothing less," to "But, I don't like seeing him leave. I just wanna cuddle and spend the whole day with him."

It was day two and he felt so lonely, felt that his day was so uneventful except when Namjoon would cross his mind from time to time. Getting more overwhelmed as he clearly misses the younger.

Although he was sure he did have feelings for the younger, he didn't know how strong those feelings were. The whole situation gave Yoongi stress. A few hours after just starting his day, he soon felt himself start to regress slowly but surely. About an hour or two later, the male had fully regressed.

It was certain that he was going to stay in little space the whole day without any proper supervision.

The little rushed to his bedroom closet and searched for his art box, it was a little struggle but he finally got it out. Carefully he walked out his bedroom and slowly waddled to the table in the living room, making sure not to drop it breaking anything on his way there.

The little managed to dig out his crayons, a coloring book and some blank paper for drawing. He settles on a drawing paper and lays out his crayons, concentrating cutely with his tongue stuck out as he draws a picture of him and Namjoon together. When he finished he holds it up proudly and giggles, he carefully places it down to side so it doesn't get ruined.

Soon his smile turns into a pout, not knowing what to do next. After a few minutes of sulking, his eyes widen as if a light bulb just went off in his head. The little dashes to his room once more, this time he went to retrieve one of his various stuffies along with a blanket that trailed behind him on the floor as he walked back to the living room. He sits down on the couch and squeals as he hugs his favorite blankie that he missed so much. The little reached into his pocket and pulled out his paci that he found while looking for his blanket and pops it into his mouth. Grabbing the remote controller he turns on the t.v and focuses on searching for a movie.

Instinctively, snacks popped into the little's head so of course he skipped his way to the kitchen in hopes to find some food. Fortunately, he finds left over snacks in the fridge and smiles as he brings it over to the living room. Little Yoongi sat his butt back onto the couch and made himself comfortable, then began opening some snacks as Moana started playing. The smaller had unintentionally done a small movie marathon and falls asleep in between.

Yoongi had woken up and he was out of little space. It took the male a while to wake up fully, he yawned and scratched his eye before regaining his focus. Once he did, he was shocked to have found a huge mess of paper and food around him. Yoongi knew he must've slipped into little space and thought it was okay to play around and making a mess. He facepalmed himself.

He checks the time on his phone that he found wedged in between the couch cushions after little Yoongi struggled to remember big Yoongi's password and got agitated and proceeded to shove it there. It was only 10 p.m. thankfully he did not sleep for too long.

Yoongi being the responsible person he is, more like he didn't want to wake up in the morning and the first thing he has to do is clean. He obviously decides to clean up his mess before going to bed.

While cleaning, he discovers a few drawings that little Yoongi had made. One in particular stood out. When he separates it from the rest to get a better look, he immediately blushes. He blushes at the drawing that was of him and Namjoon holding hands, surrounded by hearts and butterflies, which were exactly what was invading Yoongi's stomach at that moment. What caught his attention the most was the writing above their heads; their names. He felt a his cheeks rise in temperature as he saw the word 'dada' above Namjoon.

He knew little Yoongi was not the best at keeping in his feelings, most importantly secrets and would babble his mouth without a second thought of whatever it may be.

Yoongi sets the drawing aside with the rest and resumes cleaning the mess of food and crayons. Once he finishes, he takes the box that he stuffed the blanket, pacifier and stuff animal in, and grabbed the drawings with the other hand and made his way to his bedroom. Placing the box back into his closet, far inside before closing it. He walked around and place the drawings in the drawer near his bed before going to sleep.

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a/n ❀ ⏤ i apologize for not updating, school got a little much and i didn't have time to spend on thinking about what to write and etc

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a/n ❀ ⏤ i apologize for not updating, school got a little much and i didn't have time to spend on thinking about what to write and etc.. please forgive me. i also apologize for this chapter being shorter than what i'd like it to be, but it has what i wanted to put out which was a little more focused towards yoongi so its alright.

please excuse any grammatical errors and such,
don't forget to comment and vote,
i love you sunshines

feb 1, 2019
i got a new phone! yay

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