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I always found peace in death. Thinking it'd be better then what I have on this earth.

I thought I'd go to the other side. Even though I was supposed to be resurrected, I thought I'd go to the other side.

I've heard stories about the other side. I've heard that it's lonely. I've heard that you are left all by yourself. That you can see the other people, but they can't see you. That you don't get to be with your family and friends that are on the other side. That your just a ghost in your own world. Left to wonder the ends of the Earth forever.

That's what I was told.

Well. That's all fake. None of that's true.

Where I'm at, I can't see anybody. I know the harvest is still going on. I know Sophie's gonna wake me up very soon. But I can't see anything. My worlds just black. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I don't even know if I'm moving or not. I can't feel anything. Nothing.

My world is gone. All I have are my thoughts. My thoughts are bad. Especially when your where I am.

It's like I'm in a sea. A sea of black. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I feel nothing. All of my senses are stripped away.

You don't think about smelling and tasting until it's stripped away from you. The blind and the deaf rely on smelling and tasting just as much as they do feeling. But when it's all stripped away, your left utterly gone.

I hate this. I hate this so much. Why is it like this? Why do I have to be in this? Everything's been taken away from me. Why? What have I done? What bad thing did I do to deserve this?!

I let that witch kill me to bring back her niece.

I saved Davina!

I've been a good girl and played house for Marcel!

I haven't done anything bad!

I'm the victim! Not the villain! Why am I getting the raw end of this deal?! What did I do?! I've done nothing! How do I deserve this?!

As I wallow in my self pity, a light comes out of nowehere. Finally I can see.

I know the whole "don't go towards the light" thing, but if this makes my final death, itd be better then whatever world I'm trapped in.

Sound makes it way back to me, then feeling. I can then feel my lack of breath, so I start running toward the light and sound. I hear chanting, and know that this isn't a door to death. It's the door to life. I briefly stop.

I may be interested in Death, but I'm scared to die. I'm scared of falling into oblivion. I'm scared of what comes after it. Wethere there's a heaven or hell. Wethere there's just black. It all terrifies me.

I walk into the light, and feel breath come to me. I scream and take deep breaths as i sit up. Then I see Marcel and Rebekah and Cami and Hayley and Elijah and Klaus and Sophie and Davina and Cassie and Monique and whatever the other harvest girls name is.

I'm back to life. I escaped death. I escaped that world. Whatever is of my future, I know it'll be better then this!

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