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Marcel guide my hand to Calix, and he takes it in his. Ali's leads me up the stairs, and holds my hands.

I smile at Damon, and he smiles back at me. "Ladies and gentleman, today we are gathered to wed these two love birds." He says, and I glare at him. He smiles, then turns back to the audience.

"Repeat after me."

I, Nicklaus Mikaelson take thee, Olivia Wade,  to be my wedded wife,
I, Olivia Wade, take thee, Nicklaus Mikealson, to be my wedded husband,
to have and to hold,
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
Forever and always.
Forever and always.

"Nicklaus Mikealson, do you take Olivia Wade to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." He says, then slides the ring on my finger.

I look at Calix and smile. "Olivia Wade, do you take Nicklaus Mikealson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." I say, then slide the ring on his finger.

"With the power vested in me from the state of New Jersey, I thee wed. You may kiss the bride." Damon says. Calix pulls me to him, and attaches his lips to mine.

Then it's just me and him. No audience. Nobody. Just the two of us. All the pain and hurt from the past thousand of years leaves. All my pain. All his. Gone. Just us. This is how it should be. Just Calix and I. Husband and wife.

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