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I sit in front of the mirror. I finish putting on some mascara, then smile. My phone rings, and I see a text from Calix. Here. It reads. I roll my eyes at the simplicity, and grab my jacket. I throw it on over my shoulders, then grab my purse. I throw that on as well, then down that last of my Pepsi. I slide my heels on, then walk down the stairs.

I open the door, and Calix smiles at me. "Every time I see you, you get more and more beautiful." He says. I smile, then roll my eyes. "Your to sweet." I say, and he smirks. We walk to his car, and he opens the door for me. I slide in, then he treads to the other side and gets in. "I love how different you are, Kate. Your sweet but sarcastic. You speak elegantly with nice words, but at the same time with slang. Your so different from other people, and I love that. That's what makes you my Kate. My love." He says, and I smile. I kiss his cheek, then face the road again. I don't deserve him.


We start to walk to the restaurant, and he stops. I see a woman standing in the middle of the road, and I gulp. She smirks, then walks over to us. "Well, well, we'll. It seems you two really do fancy each other." She says, then notices my stare. "Oh don't worry, my dear. I don't have anymore stabbing wounds. They healed." She says, and I gulp. She then looks to my stomach, and furrows her eyebrows.

Calix charges at her, but she waves her hand. He falls to the ground, groaning in pain. I fall to his side, but she lifts her hand. I rise from my feet, air stuck in my lungs. Calix screams at her to stop, and I feel the fire start in me. I let it come to my palms, then let the flames trickle to her. She screams as they burn her, and I fall to the ground. I gasp for air, then twist my hand to break her arm. Calix stands up, and walks over to me. He pulls me into his arms, and vamp speeds off.


We get to the compound, and I sigh. "Your aunt cant die? Great!" I state, and he sighs. "I'm sure she has some spell to keep her alive and to heal her." He says, and I nod. I then take his face in my hands, and inspect him for injures. "I'm okay, Kate." He says, and I nod. "Are you?" "Yeah. I'm okay." He nods, and I kiss his cheek. Bows not the time to tell him. Not after we just got attacked by his aunt. "I've got to go talk with Elijah." I look to him and nod. "Okay. Just be careful. Call me if you need anything." I say, and he smiles. He kisses me, then walks away. I'll tell him tomorrow. I will. I promise.

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