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I sit on my couch, a bucket of ice cream in my lap. There's a knock on my door, but I ignore it. Another knock sounds, then grows persistent. "Leave me alone!" I yell. There's a huff, quiet whispering, then someone mutters in a foreign language. The door lock clicks, and I hear two sets of footsteps. "It's time to get out." An annoying voice says. "I lost the love of my life. I lost my husband." I tell her simply, then turn the sound up on the TV. "Just 'cause you love someone, doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life." Dean Winchester says. I groan at the statement as it gets me in the feels. Klaus says "he's doing it for me" and "he's bad for me". Blah, blah, blah. He sucks. He's a jerk. I hate him. Well. I don't, but I wish I did.

"Livia, you've been in here for three days. I know you love him, but get over him. He's just a jerk. Just like his siblings, no offense Kol, but drop him." She says, and I look at my dumb brother-in-law. "Why are you here? I don't wanna see your face." I say, and he rolls his eyes. "Because, even though you chose my phsycotic brother over me, you are still my best friend. Now, my best friend is hurting, so I'm going to fix it." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Why are you sweet?" I ask. "Because I love you." He says, and I groan. He sits down next to me, and lifts his arm. I roll my eyes, but lay my head on his chest. Davina sits on his other side, and looks at me concerned.

Kol starts playing with my hair, and I sigh. I have to tell them. I feel like Aaron Burr when he's doing the duel with Alexander, in the musical that is, when he's like "confession time, here's what I got". This is the time for me to tell my little secret. This could be the death of me as well. "I have to tell you something. Now, you can't yell at me. You can't react." I say, and they look at me questioningly. "You can't tell anyone! Nobody! This is a really big secret! If anyone rounds out, they'll have my head!" I say, and they both nod hesitantly.

I lift my head from Kols chest and sit up. "Pinky promise?" I ask, and they both roll their eyes. They both do it either way, and I take a deep breath. "Well ya see, kids, when an original hybrid and a three-hundred year old witch love each other so much...." I trail off, and they look at me closer. Both of their eyes bulge, and I take a shaky breath.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper, but they both hear.

And that's how two simple words destroyed my world.

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